Krupnick Lab's New COO;
Merola Goes to SLAC
Jim Krupnick — director of Berkeley Lab’s Office of Institutional Assurance and the Project Management Officer for the Lab — has been named as the Chief Operating Officer and Associate Laboratory Director for Operations, effective July 1. He will replace outgoing COO David McGraw, who is retiring at the end of June. Krupnick, who has served in his current positions since June of 2005, played award-winning roles in the construction of both the Advanced Light Source and the Molecular Foundry. Go here for more about his appointment.
Also announced is the departure, effective June 2, of Alexander Xavier “Sandy” Merola as the Lab’s Deputy COO. Merola, who has served as Deputy COO since 2006, will become the new COO at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). He started at the Lab in 1973 as a technician providing computer and networking support for physicists, eventually becoming director of the Information Technologies Division and the Lab’s Chief Information Officer. He played a key role in establishing NERSC and ESnet, and more recently helped position Berkeley Lab for major funding from the Office of Science for infrastructure improvements over the next ten years. "Sandy has been a tremendous asset. I could not have asked for a better deputy and am certain that SLAC will soon learn what an effective manager and leader Sandy is," said McGraw. "Although we hate to see Sandy leave, it reflects well on the Lab that SLAC has recruited from our ranks for such a key management position." Added Lab Director Steve Chu: "I want to thank Sandy for his extremely effective leadership as the Lab’s Chief Information Officer, and his willingness to step away from that position to become Deputy COO.” Go here to read a letter to the Lab community from Merola.
EH&S Staffer Becomes
Health Physics Fellow
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Linnea Wahl, a certified health physicist in the Lab’s Environment, Health and Safety Division, has been honored as a Health Physics Fellow for her significant technical contributions to the profession of health physics and enthusiastic support of the Health Physics Society. Wahl, who has been a plenary member of the society since 1992, will receive her Fellow Award at the 53rd annual meeting of the Health Physics Society this summer in Pittsburgh. She is currently program leader of the Lab's Environmental Radiation Protection Program in the Environmental Services Group.
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Focus on Pre-Conception
Health of Child’s Father
When Barbora Bell wanted to have kids, she ditched the birth control pills, popped prenatal vitamins, and got more iron and calcium. Her husband's pre-conception regimen was much easier: "He had a glass of wine," Bell said, laughing. Would-be dads are rarely bombarded with pre-pregnancy tips on diet missteps and toxic exposures, even though sperm DNA is vulnerable to defects. A March study — coauthored by Berkeley Lab life scientist Andrew Wyrobek — added to the growing knowledge. Utilizing new technology to label sperm DNA, men who ate little folate had more sperm with the wrong number of chromosomes. That could lead to miscarriages and birth defects like Down syndrome. Full story.
Approved Containers For
Flammable Liquid Waste
Employees who generate flammable liquid waste are reminded that plastic containers, other than approved flammable liquid safety cans, are not allowed for waste storage per the California Fire Code. Glass bottles one quart or less in size may be used for minor amounts only. There is one exception to this requirement — the use of the original manufacturer’s container is acceptable. Flammable waste cans are available from Waste Management. Go here to view Waste Generator Guidelines.

Lab Supply Vendors
Onsite to Demo Products
Vendors who supply lab equipment via eBuy will be at the Lab today from 10 a.m. to noon in Building 84-318. Coffee, donuts and bagels will be served. Representatives from Government Scientific Source (GSS), VWR, Brinkman, EMD, Effendorf, and Labcon will be on hand. Users of lab supplies and chemicals are reminded that the GSS and VWR catalogs provide all products (same or comparable brands) that are available from Fisher Scientific.
Berkeley Among Ten
Brainiest Places to Retire
Just because you hit your 60s doesn't mean your brain starts to power down. Your noodle needs more stimulation than ever, and, finally, you have the time to supply intellectual input. And picking a place to retire can be key to that process. What makes the difference? A city with a large local university might offer a colorful slate of arts or educational events nearly every evening. U.S. News and World Report came up with 10 retirement destinations — including Berkeley. Full story.