Guidelines for Submitting Articles
1) Send information for articles to [email protected]. Go here to submit
calendar items.
2) Information
should be received by 10 a.m. the day prior to publication.
For example, to have an article posted on a Thursday, it should
be received by 10 a.m. on Wednesday. Editor will determine
placement based on space, timing, urgency, and other editorial
criteria. Those submitting information should send it as far
in advance as possible to ensure placement in the publication.
3) If
the 10 a.m. deadline has passed and an article must be included
in the next day's edition, call the Today at Berkeley
Lab editor, Lyn Hunter, at x4698. In her absence, call
Ron Kolb (x7586) or Pam Patterson (x4045). These items will
be considered on the basis of urgency and importance. Today
at Berkeley Lab is posted each weekday at approximately
9 a.m.
4) To
have articles placed, send a brief description (no more than
85 words) of event or activity, suggested date(s) for posting,
URL's for possible links, and, if possible, an accompanying
image in jpeg, gif or tif format.
5) For
more information, contact Lyn
Hunter (x4698), editor of Today at Berkeley Lab.
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