
Chu Keynote Speaker
At Energy Conference
Berkeley Lab Director Steve Chu says the United States has far to go in using renewable energy such as wind, but it may be less than 10 years away from converting grass and plant stems to fuel. "People say the amount of wind energy has gone up," said Chu. "But it's still only about 1 percent of electricity generation in the U.S." He was the keynote speaker Monday at a renewable energy conference at Bismarck State College. "The world does have a concern right now in growing food crops for fuel. It shows the pressing need to break our oil dependency in importing foreign oil." Full story.
Do Not Drive Around Stopped Shuttle Buses
The Lab’s narrow, hilly and curvy roads require that motorists use extra caution when driving onsite. This is especially true when coming up behind a shuttle bus that has stopped in the road to pick up or drop off passengers. Drivers should not pass the bus, as this increases the chances of hitting a passenger who may be crossing the road in front of the bus, or colliding with a car coming in the opposite direction. For more information, call x4855.
Drive Slowly to Avoid
Hitting Spring Fawns
Drivers and cyclists are reminded that new spring fawns are traversing the Lab’s hills. Their camouflage makes it difficult to see them beside the road, and they are known to suddenly bound into traffic. There have been at least three near misses on Lab roads so far, near the curve below Blackberry Gate, Building 51, and Building 48. Motorists and those on bicycles are encouraged to maintain a safe speed, be alert, and limit distractions, such as cell phones, iPods, and food while driving or riding.
Budinger Elected Secretary
For Engineering Academy
The National Academy of Engineering has elected Thomas Budinger, a UC Berkeley professor and senior scientist with Berkeley Lab’s Life Sciences Division, to a four-year term as home secretary. He was elected to the NAE in 1996 and will oversee the Academy's membership activities. Budinger is the head of the Lab’s Department of Nuclear Medicine and Functional Imaging. Full story.
Tour Guides Sought;
Stipends Available
Berkeley Lab periodically provides public tours of its facilities. Postdoc researchers and graduate students generally conduct these two-hour tours. Being a guide offers a great experience in public speaking and science communication, and the Community Relations Office sponsors training and pays a $70 stipend for each tour. Go here for more information, or contact the Community Relations Office (x7292).
Z Parking Lot Closed
For Rest of the Year
To accommodate construction of the Guest House and ALS Support Building, the Z parking lot, located just south of the cafeteria lot, will be closed for the next year, starting tomorrow. Contact the Site Access Office for more information (x4855).
China Aid Collection
Continues to Friday
So far, the Lab’s Asian Association has raised more than $9,000 to aid victims of the recent earthquake in China. “Lab employees are great humanitarians,” said association member Larry Guo. “We want to thank everyone who’s donated for their sympathy and generosity.” Representatives will be in the cafeteria between noon and 1 p.m. today through Friday to continue their donation drive. Or staff can go here for more information and to donate.