Lots Near Bldg. 50, 70
Blocked on Thursday
To accommodate a visit to the Lab by Chilean President Michelle Bachelet and her delegation, the H2 parking lot, just north of Building 70 will be closed. The H1 parking lot, located on the south side of Building 50, will have all of its blue triangle spaces blocked off, as well as the orange circle and government spots along the south wall.
CSEE Looking To Place High School Interns
CSEE is looking to place 3 more students with its High School Student Research Participation Program. They are looking for a lab assignment. The program dates are June 27 through August 8. Funding is available. If you are interested please contact Joe Crippen at x5816.
Laser Safety Firm
On Site Tomorrow
A representative from Laservision, the laser eyewear safety firm, will be on site tomorrow and Thursday to demonstrate new frames and filters, with suggestions specifically tailored for the Lab’s laser facilities. Refreshments will be provided. The demonstration will take place Wednesday from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in Building 2, room 100b, and Thursday from 10 a.m.-noon in Building 62-room 203, and again at 2-3:30 p.m. in ALS room 2202.
No TABL E-Mail Tomorrow; New Websites on Thursday
As announced yesterday, a revamped homepage and Today at Berkeley e-mail, as well as the debut of the News Center, will be introduced on Thursday. To accommodate this launch, there will be no delivery of the current Today at Berkeley lab e-mail tomorrow (Wednesday). Go here to learn more about the new sites and TABL e-mail, or contact Lyn Hunter.