Today at Berkeley Lab masthead
Berkeley Lab: 75 Years of World-Class Science 1931-2006 Berkeley Lab logo Today at Berkeley Lab masthead
spacer image Thursday, March 23, 2006 spacer image
spacer imageCALENDAR

8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Benefits Office
FITSCo One-on-One Counseling
Bldg. 26-109

8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Health Care Facilitator
Onstie Dental Mobile
Cafeteria Parking Lot

9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Onsite Chair Massages
Bldg. 26-115

11 a.m.

EHS 345
Chemical Hygiene for Facilities
Bldg. 70A-3377

Working With Production Home Builders to Build and Research Near Zero Energy Homes and Communities in California
Bruce Baccei and Rob Hammond, ConSol
Bldg. 90-3148

Health Care Facilitator
Weight Management and Nutrition
Lynn Fraley
Perseverance Hall

5:30 p.m.
Yoga Club
Class with Inna Belogolovsky
Bldg. 70-191


9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Onsite Chair Massages
Bldg. 937-104

Yoga Club
Class with Naomi Hartwig
Bldg. 70-191

1:30 p.m.
Surface Science
Clusters, Oligomers and Nanoparticles from the Vapor Phase: Structure, Reactivity and Catalytic Properties
Samy El Shall, Virginia Commonwealth U.
Bldg. 66-317 H

2 p.m.
UC Berkeley
Ultrafast Infrared Spectroscopy: A Probe of Charge Pairing and Relaxation Dynamics in Low-Dimensional Semiconductors
Robert Kaindl
390 Hearst Mining Bldg.

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spacer imageCAFETERIA

Morning Editions:
Corned Beef Hash with Eggs and Toast
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Biscuits and Gravy with 2 Eggs
Market Carvery: Chicken and Sausage Gumbo over Rice

The Fresh Grille: Meatloaf Sandwich with Fries and Coleslaw
Menutainment: Spaghetti and Meatballs, Garlic Bread and Side Salad

B'fast: 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Full menu
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Council Honors Lab
For Waste Reduction

Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates and City Council Member Gordon Wozniak presented Berkeley Lab's Chief Operations Officer, David McGraw, with a proclamation commending the Lab "for its demonstrated leadership in waste reduction, setting an example that other nearby research laboratories and businesses might emulate to contribute to environmental sustainability in our communities, and for the aggressive and successful programs that contributed to meeting the U.S. and DOE waste reduction goals." The tribute took place at last Tuesday's Council meeting. See the complete proclamation here, and read McGraw's acceptance remarks here.

Nominations Now Open
For Business Institute

The UC Office of the President has issued a system-wide call for nominations for the semi-annual UC Business Officer Institute (BOI). BOI is scheduled for May 23-25 at the Hyatt Regency in Newport Beach. Candidates for the program are individuals with broad responsibility for budget, finance, internal controls, human resources, information technology or sponsored projects. Nominations must be sent to Sherry Harding by April 7. Go here for more information.

Molecular Foundry
Traffic Control

Employees walking, parking or driving near the Molecular Foundry construction site (next to Building 72 on Lawrence Road) are asked to use increased caution when traveling in this area. The volume of traffic in this area has created safety concerns. Drivers are asked to abide by Lab parking regulations, which stipulate that fire and traffic lanes in construction areas must be maintained. Exercise good judgement when parking in construction areas to allow safe car, pedestrian, and emergency vehicle passage.
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Dairiki, left, with son and husband in 1970

Nuclear Chemist Performs Crucial Data Evaluation

Janis Dairiki readily admits her field is not a very sexy one. But, she adds, nuclear data evaluation is fundamental to both basic and applied research, and even more crucial as homeland security needs and interest in nuclear energy have increased. Dairiki has spent her entire career, starting in 1970, working at the Lab, focusing on the compilation, evaluation and dissemination of experimental nuclear data. She was one of three principal authors of the 7th Edition of the Table of Isotopes (originally published by Glenn Seaborg in 1940). Working with the LBNL Isotopes Project and the other U.S. data centers, she introduced new methods of evaluation and electronic data dissemination. Dairiki served as the assistant, then deputy director of the Nuclear Science Division from 1980-1997.
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Adding or Changing
Your Beneficiaries

When was the last time you updated your beneficiary designations? After the conversion to an online system, some beneficiaries named on the old paper forms are no longer valid and must be re-entered. Employees should verify, add or modify their beneficiaries for Life, Accidental Death and Dismemberment and the UC Retirement Plan by clicking the "Your Benefits Online" link on the University of California's "At Your Service" website. Changes in beneficiaries for the 403(b), 457(b) and DCP savings plans must be made directly through Fidelity. Contact the Lab's Benefits Office for questions (x6403).


Error in Union Story:
EUV Scientist Will Stay

The Times Union newspaper in Albany, N.Y., reported on Tuesday (and included in yesterday's Today at Berkeley Lab) that Lab materials scientist Patrick Nealleau was recruited to lead a new integrated circuits nanoscience center at the University of Albany. Nealleau will remain at the Lab while serving as part-time assistant professor at Albany.
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Weight, Nutrition
Talk is Today

The headline in yesterday's edition of Today at Berkeley Lab listed the incorrect day for the weight and nutrition brown bag discussion. It takes place today at noon in Perseverance Hall.
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Partly cloudy.
High: 64° (17° C)
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SECON level 3

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