Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Today at Berkeley LabBerkeley Lab
Web feed icon Friday, May 30, 2008 spacer image
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9 a.m.
Principles and Practice of Experimental Performance Measurement and Analysis of Parallel Applications

Bernd Mohr
Bldg. 50A-5132

Address to Lab Employees
Raymond Orbach, DOE Office of Science
Bldg. 50 Auditorium

Yoga Club
Class with Naomi Hartwig

Bldg. 70-191

Dance Club
Ballroom Dance Practice

Bldg. 51 Lobby

1 p.m.
Advanced Light Source
Spintronic Biochips for Biomolecular Recognition
Paulo Freitas
Bldg. 6-2202

1 p.m.
Scientific Computing
Computational Spectroscopy at the Molecular Foundry
David Prendergast
Bldg. 50F-1647


Yoga Club
Yoga with Katie Lewis
Bldg. 70-191


Go here for more on the relocation of staff from Bldg. 937 (downtown) to the Hill

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spacer imageCAFETERIA MENU

This week's menu

6:30 to 10:30 a.m.
11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Coffee Bar

Mon. - Fri: 6:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

EETD Researchers Cite
Wind Power’s Value

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For the third consecutive year the U.S. was home to the fastest-growing wind power market in the world, according to a U.S. Department of Energy report whose primary authors were Ryan Wiser and Mark Bolinger, of Berkeley Lab's Environmental Energy Technologies Division. This report states that U.S. wind power capacity increased by 46 percent in 2007, representing a $9 billion investment in new wind projects. At this pace, wind is on a path to becoming a significant contributor to the U.S. power mix: wind projects accounted for 35 percent of all new electricity-generating capacity added in the U.S. in 2007, and more than 200 gigawatts of wind power are in various stages of development throughout the country. For more read here.

SNO Gets New Results
And New Board Chairman

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For the next year Alan Poon of the Nuclear Science Division (NSD) will be chairman of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) Scientific Board. Recently SNO announced its latest results, in which NSD's Neutrino Astrophysics Group played a prominent role, at the Neutrino 2008 conference in Christchurch, New Zealand. SNO previously demonstrated that solar neutrinos change their "flavors" on their way to Earth and now has better measurements of the fluxes of the various neutrino types. Poon led the analysis, to which current and former postdocs Jason Detwiler, Reyco Henning, Gersende Prior, Nikolai Tolich and students Marc Bergevin and James Loach contributed. Yuen-dat Chan and Kevin Lesko have also played important roles in SNO. Loach will discuss the new results in an NSD colloquium at 11 a.m. next Tuesday in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium.
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Large Hadron Collider
Show on Science Channel

CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will fire up this summer after years of work by scientists and engineers from institutions around the world, including Berkeley Lab. A Science Channel special on the LHC, "The Six Billion Dollar Experiment," will air on Comcast cable this Sunday at 9 p.m. (repeated at 1 a.m. Monday morning). Says the Science Channel's blurb, "Hidden away 100 metres below the earth's surface, physicists are collaborating on an experiment that promises to tell us how and why we and everything around us came in to being; a recreation of the first moments of the universe."
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Orbach To Give
Noon Talk Today

A reminder that Raymond Orbach, leader of DOE’s Office of Science for the past five years, will deliver an address to all Lab employees at noon today in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium. In his tenure at the helm of Berkeley Lab’s principal funding agency, Orbach has been a strong supporter of Laboratory programs, and of physical sciences in the United States.

New Hazards Analysis
Tool to Replace JHQ

The Lab’s Job Hazards Questionnaire (JHQ) will soon be replaced by the Job Hazards Analysis (JHA) tool. The JHQ is scheduled for shutdown Tuesday, June 3 and the new JHA tool will begin rolling out on June 9 to various divisions. For information on when the JHA will be available in a specific division, contact the Division Safety Coordinator. Training requirements for the JHQ will be retained until they are replaced by requirements for the JHA. To determine training requirements between June 2 and June 6, contact the EH&S Training Group at X2228 or 7603. Access the EH&S JHA info site for more information.
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Partly cloudy.
High: 63° (17° C)
IMAGE: Weather icon
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Emergency: Call x7911
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SECON level 3

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