Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Today at Berkeley LabBerkeley Lab
Web feed icon Friday, Feb. 15, 2008 spacer image
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Yoga Club
Class with Naomi Hartwig

Bldg. 70A-3377 (note different location)

Dance Club
Practice Session

Bldg. 51 Lobby

Environmental Energy Technologies
An Engineering-Economic Analysis of White Light-Emitting Diodes for General Illumination for the U.S. Residential and Commercial Sectors
Ines Magarida Lima de Azevedo
Bldg. 90-3122

2 p.m.
Nano Institute
Creating Spatial Mutations in Living Cells by Solid-State Nanofabrication

Jay Groves
180 Tan Hall

4 p.m.
Chemistry Department
Application of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Chemistry
Mark Green
120 Latimer Hall



1 p.m.
Molecular Foundry
Learning to Program Chemistry

Erik Winfree
Bldg. 67-3111

4 p.m.
Lab Directorate
Green: The New Red, White and Blue

Thomas Friedman
Bldg. 50 (simulcast in Bldg. 66 Aud. and Pers. Hall)

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Breakfast: Corned Beef Hash
Salad: Shrimp and Rice
Blue Plate: Burrito Bar
Blue Plate 2: Seafood Cioppino
Grill: Black Bean Burger
Deli: Portabello, Brie and Pesto on Foccacia
Pizza: Deluxe Veggie

6:30 to 10:30 a.m.

11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Coffee Bar
Mon. - Fri: 6:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Weekends: 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Some Gene Binding
May Mean Nothing

From l-r, Biggin, Li, and Eisen

Biologists are developing ever more sophisticated means to characterize molecular interactions in living systems. But many of these interactions may be functionally irrelevant, says a new study in the online journal PLoS Biology, led by Michael Eisen, Mark Biggin, Xiao-Yong Li, and Stewart MacArthur of Berkeley Lab’s Genomics Division. Transcription factors that choreograph early development in the fruit fly bind to a surprisingly wide array of genes, but much of this binding has no effect on gene expression, the researchers found. This story is available here, and will also appear in the forthcoming edition of Science@Berkeley Lab (SABL). To get the latest SABL stories hot off the cyber press, subscribe to an RSS feed of the publication.

Nanoplankton May Hold
Key to Animal Origins


The newly sequenced genome of a one-celled planktonic marine organism, reported yesterday in the journal Nature, is already telling scientists about the evolutionary changes that accompanied the jump from one-celled life forms to multicellular animals like ourselves. In the study, Daniel Rokhsar, with Berkeley Lab’s Genomics Division, and UC Berkeley biologist Nicole King, present their first draft of a choanoflagellates genome called Monosiga brevicollis and their comparisons with the genes of multicellular animals. These two groups shared a common ancestor between 600 million and a billion years ago and provide a key to understanding the origins and evolution of animals. Full story.

Superconducting Power
Lines Could Reduce Waste

Imagine a world where electricity was virtually free and the means to store it limitless. Berkeley Lab materials scientist Alessandra Lanzara says this can be done by restringing the power grid with high temperature superconductors. "There is a lot of waste getting electricity from its production site to your home because materials that carry a current have resistivity," Lanzara says. Superconductors, on the other hand, can transmit a current without loss when chilled below a critical temperature. Power lines made of superconductors, Lanzara argues, could retain the energy now lost to waste. Full story.


Sundance Film on Water
Features EETD’s Gadgil

Ashok Gadgil, with Berkeley Lab’s Environmental Energy Technologies Division, is among those appearing in a documentary film that recently premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. Featured in the movie, titled “FLOW: For the Love of Water,” are the efforts of Gadgil to raise awareness of and reduce the prevalence of toxic public water sources in the Third World. The critically acclaimed documentary seeks to highlight the growing crisis of global water quality and shortages. Go here for more information on the film.


Hurricane Trailers Toxic;
Residents Asked to Move

U.S. health officials are urging that Gulf Coast hurricane victims be moved out of their government-issued trailers as quickly as possible after tests found toxic levels of formaldehyde fumes. Fumes from 519 trailer and mobile homes in Louisiana and Mississippi were — on average — about five times what people are exposed to in most modern homes. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) — which supplied the trailers — has been asked to move people out quickly. Berkeley Lab assisted FEMA in the testing of the trailers last month (see Jan. 8 Today at Berkeley Lab). Full story.


Phone Services Offers
Hands-Free Headsets

A new 2008 California state law, to go into effect July 1, will make it an infraction to drive a motor vehicle while holding a wireless telephone. Hands-free devices for listening and talking will be allowable. The Lab offers a selection of hands-free phones on its Telephone Services website. Employees who use Bluetooth ear pieces should contact [email protected]. The Lab also offers a variety of cell phone headsets with prices ranging from $5.95 to $119. Employees who need a headset for their Lab cell phone should contact Adams Lee.

Grants to Study Solar Particle Radiation Effects

The National Space Biomedical Research Institute is soliciting proposals for team-based research on acute radiation effects associated with solar particle events, utilizing beams of protons and high-energy heavy ions. Proposals should employ a multidisciplinary approach to define risks and develop and test countermeasures. Notices of intent are due March 10. Go here for more information.

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