Dance Club
Samba Practice
Bldg. 51 Lobby
9:30 a.m.
EHS 27
Performing an Effective Safety Walkaround
Bldg. 70A-3377
Dance Club
Samba Lesson
Bldg. 51 Lobby
Yoga Club
Class with Inna Belogolovsky
Bldg. 70-191
4 p.m.
Environmental Energy Technologies
Renewables in India: Status and Future Potential
Rangan Banerjee, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Bldg. 90-3122 |
Breakfast: Biscuits with Country Gravy Served with Two Eggs
Monday's Breakfast: Popeye Omelet Served with Fruit Salad
Cultural Cuisine: California Burrito Bar
Grill: Crispy Bacon Cheeseburger
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
menu  |
From left, Sell, Chen and Alvillar-Speake |

Berkeley Lab Wins DOE Small Business Award
Berkeley Lab was selected as one of 11 DOE facility management contractors to receive FY2006 Secretarial Small Business Awards. The "Facility Management Contractor Small Business Advancement Award" was given to the Lab in recognition of its outstanding performance for the highest overall dollars and percentage increases in small business subcontracting. The award was presented in Washington recently by Clay Sell, Deputy Secretary of Energy, and Theresa Alvillar-Speake, Director of the DOE Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, to David Chen of Procurement, who accepted the award on behalf of Berkeley Lab.
Gas Leak Search
Closes Parking Lot Z
Facilities personnel have been working since Tuesday to locate an underground natural gas leak in the area of Parking Lot Z above the cafeteria, and until repairs are completed, the lot will be closed. The Fire Marshall has determined that this is a low-risk leak, and no people or projects will be impacted. The fire department and Security are maintaining a close watch to protect against potential fire, although the likelihood is low.
Bay Area Becoming
Energy Research Hub
This editorial ran in yesterday's edition of the Oakland Tribune
Yet another Bay Area institute was recently named one of the nation's three bioenergy centers leading the search for liquid energy. Together with other local research centers, this puts the Bay Area on the map as the regional leader in developing new technologies in a number of fields. Berkeley Lab's Joint Bioenergy Institute was awarded a $125 million Department of Energy grant, with contributing scientists from Sandia and Livermore Labs, Stanford, UC Berkeley and Davis. Full editorial.

Anemone Genome Gives New View of Ancestors
By Robert Sanders
Rokhsar |
The first analysis of the genome of the sea anemone shows it to be nearly as complex as the human genome, and researchers say it provides major insights into the common ancestor of not only humans and sea anemones, but of nearly all multi-celled animals. "We are looking close to the base of the animal tree of life," said Daniel Rokhsar, UC Berkeley professor, Berkeley Lab genomics researcher, and head of computational genomics at the Joint Genome Institute. Full story.

SciDAC Review Features Articles on Lab Projects
The summer issue of SciDAC Review, a journal focusing on projects and facilities related to DOE’s Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing program, includes an article written by Phil Colella, of Berkeley Lab's Applied Partial Differential Equations Center. It describes the development of algorithms and software used in such research areas as fusion energy, climate, combustion and astrophysics. Another article describes the role of ESnet in support of DOE-related research at national laboratories, universities and other institutions around the world. Go here to read these and other articles.
Health Services Offers
Free Cholesterol Checks
The Lab's Health Services will be offering free cholesterol screening at Building 26 on the morning of Thursday, July 19, by appointment only. This screening will include a total cholesterol level and a high-density cholesterol level (HDL). Fasting is not required and there is no charge. Screening is recommended for men over 35, women over 45, and younger adults with cardiac risk factors. Call x6266 to make an appointment.
Discount Tickets
For Football Game
Lab employees can purchase discounted tickets for the SaberCats playoff game tomorrow at 11:50 a.m. in San Jose's HP Pavilion by calling (408) 573-5577 and mentioning your Berkeley Lab affiliation.

Emergency: Call x7911
Cell Phones: Call 911
Non-emergency Incident Reporting: Call x6999
SECON level 3
More Information |