11 a.m.
Material Sciences
Nanoparticles at the Interface: Assembling Functional Materials from Magnetic Nanoparticles, Polymers, and Metal Chalcogen Clusters
Delia Milliron, IBM Almaden Research Center
Bldg. 67-3111
Dance Club
Bldg. 51
Breakfast: Strawberry Cinnamon French Toast served with Sausage
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Biscuits with Country Gravy served with Two Eggs
Cultural Cuisine: Chef's Station
Grill: Philly Cheese Steak with Seasoned Waffle Cut Fries
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
menu  |
Lab Wins Three
R&D 100 Awards
Three of R&D Magazine's prestigious R&D 100 Awards for 2007, which recognize the 100 most significant proven technological advances of the year, have gone to Berkeley Lab researchers. These awards bring the total of Berkeley Lab's R&D 100 Awards - also called the "Oscars of Invention" - to 44, plus two Editors' Choice Awards over the years. The R&D 100 Awards are the editors' choices for the most promising new products, processes, materials, or software developed throughout the world and introduced to the market the previous year. Go here to learn more about the Lab's winning technologies.
ATLAS Pixel Detector |
Lab Group Installs
ATLAS Pixel Detector
Installation on June 28 of a unique silicon pixel detector, the heart of the giant ATLAS experiment at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC), marked a major milestone for the Berkeley Lab group of physicists and engineers who have led the project since its conception 15 years ago. With 80 million channels, the detector is the most complex of its kind ever built. The Lab team, now completing the device's myriad electrical and cooling connections, will commission the detector later this year using cosmic rays - in lieu of particles from LHC's colliding proton beams, scheduled to become operational in 2008.

Building is Just a Box,
But What a Box
By John King
Molecular Foundry
Photo by Tim Hursley |
In today's world of iconic architecture that defies gravity with glee, there's something refreshing about the Molecular Foundry at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. It's just a black metal box, four stories high and 242 feet long — pure streamlined punch. But the Molecular Foundry's triumph is that the eye-popping slab seems right at home. The structure is a logical outgrowth of what goes on inside, engineered with common sense despite its uncommon perch. There's not one gratuitous flourish. That's why the Foundry deserves attention, even though it is off-limits to the public and almost invisible from afar. Full story.
Marnay's house |
Scientist's House Featured
On Home Design Website
Marnay |
Chris Marnay said he was surprised when the home design website "Apartment Therapy" featured his 510-square- foot energy- efficient Berkeley cottage on its Chicago site. But the Berkeley Lab energy analyst was happy to share the unique features of his place with readers. The home was painstakingly designed so that the sun provides most of their light and heat, strategically placed overhangs and windows provide their cooling, and highly-insulating concrete walls keep temperatures stable. Read about it here.
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