Lab Scientists Make 2005
Chemistry Highlights
Berkeley Lab deputy director Graham Fleming and Richard Mathies of the Physical Biosciences Division each had experiments that made the 2005 Chemistry Highlights edition of Chemical and Engineering News. Each year, C&EN lists the findings and advances in chemistry it deems the most significant or promising. Fleming made the cover of the issue with his development of a 2-D electronic spectroscopy technique which enables scientists to follow the transfer of energy from one molecule to another through both time and space. Mathies made the list for his development of an ultrafast Raman spectroscopy technique that provides a new look at how eyes are engineered to see. For more on these and other highlights, click here.
Spallation Neutron
Source by the Numbers
The Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge Laboratory is on schedule for completion in 2006. The new facility will provide researchers with the world's most powerful and advanced tool for analyzing a host of materials with neutrons. The source's trigger mechanism, or "Front End Assembly," was constructed at Berkeley Lab. As construction nears completion, SNS staff members have compiled a list of amazing science facts to illustrate what's in store for the neutron science community once this state-of- the-art, world-class materials research facility starts up around mid-year. Go here to read them.