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Berkeley Lab: 75 Years of World-Class Science 1931-2006 Berkeley Lab logo Today at Berkeley Lab masthead
spacer image Thursday, February 2, 2006 spacer image
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7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Iron Age Shoemobile
Cafeteria Parking Lot

9:30 a.m.
Magnetic Field Induced Commensurability and Correlation Effects in Low Dimensional Organic Conductors
Weida Wu, U. of Texas
Bldg. 6-2202

11 a.m.
Biomineralization Inside a Plant Virus: Probing the Protein Mineral Interface by TEM
Mark Allen, Montana State U.

Berkeley Lab Employee Forum
Perseverance Hall

4 p.m.
Earth Sciences
Hybridization Efficiency 16S rRNA Genes using Affymetrix Microarrays
Todd DeSantis
334 Evans Hall (campus)


Yoga Club
Class with Naomi Hartwig
Bldg. 70-191

2 p.m.
UC Berkeley
Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy: What are the New Perspectives for Materials Sciences?
Christian Kisielowski
390 Hearst Mining Bldg. (campus)

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spacer imageCAFETERIA

Morning Editions:
Pancakes and Eggs
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Biscuits and Gravy with 2 Eggs
Market Carvery: Cheese Enchiladas with Beans and Rice

The Fresh Grille: Double Cheeseburger with Fries
Menutainment: Chicken Enchiladas with Beans and Rice

B'fast: 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Full menu
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Competitiveness, Energy

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President Bush's State of the Union address on Tuesday included reference to two initiatives whose elements offer the prospect of potential new support for science and technology in the coming years. The American Competitiveness Initiative includes doubling the federal commitment to the most critical basic research programs in the physical sciences over the next 10 years. The Advanced Energy Initiative would, among other things, increase funding for solar and alternative fuel energy development. Details are expected in the President's budget next Monday. Go here to read the White House explanation of the competitiveness initiative, here for the energy initiative, and here for the transcipt of yesterday's news conference that featured Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman.
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Get Healthy; Join
'Active for Life'

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The Lab's Health Care Facilitator office is sponsoring a fun, 10-week program that encourages participants to be more physically active and eat healthier foods on a regular basis. Participants in "Active for Life" earn points for positive lifestyle changes. Two informational brown-bag meetings will be held, the first next Tuesday (Feb. 7), and the second on Tuesday, March 7, both from noon to 1 p.m. in Perseverance Hall. More information about the "Active for Life" program is available here.
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Scientists, NERSC Get INCITE Awards

Berkeley Lab scientists and the National Energy Scientific Research Computing Center (NERSC) are the beneficiaries of recently announced Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) computing-time awards, sponsored by the Office of Science. Berkeley Lab scientists include Bill McCurdy and Tom Rescigno (Chemical Sciences), and Cameron Geddes, Carl Schroeder and Wim Leemans (Accelerator and Fusion Research). NERSC will be used by the Geddes team as well as UC San Diego Professor Michael Norman for an astrophysics study. Go here for specific details on these and other INCITE projects. Go here to read a Department of Energy news release on the awards.
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Nyxem Attack

The Lab's Computer Protection Program (CPP) reminds employees to update their antivirus software at the Lab and at home to ward off attacks by Nyxem, a new e-mail virus. Tomorrow, Nyxem is set to delete documents on systems it has infected. CPP is monitoring Lab systems and does not believe any are infected. Symantec antivirus is available to all Lab employees from the Lab's software download page for both Lab and home use.

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Reminder: Employee Forum at Noon Today

Berkeley Lab's Employee Forum takes place today at noon in Perseverance Hall. The selection of the Lab's next delegate to the Council of University of California Staff Assemblies, appointment of the UC Staff Advisor to the Regents, and an update on the UC tuition/fee waiver proposal for employees will be discussed, as well as Lab safety issues.
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40% chance of showers.
High: 61° (16° C)
IMAGE: Weather icon
Extended Forecast
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SECON level 3

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