Feds Asked To Alter
Foreign Student Laws
large group of academic associations is urging the federal
government to take more action to welcome international
students, researchers, and scholars to the United States
by overhauling the visa process and taking other steps
to remove hurdles to foreigners. The group, led by the
Association of American Universities and the American
Association for the Advancement of Science, recently released
six recommendations that build on suggestions a similar
group offered last year. The signators include Berkeley
Lab materials scientist Marvin Cohen,
in his role as President of the American Physical Society.
Go here
to read the group's recommendations.

UC Irvine Gets
New Chancellor
Drake |
Drake, longtime University of California faculty member
and administrator, and current UC vice president for health
affairs, was appointed chancellor of the university's
Irvine campus last week. Effective July 1, Drake will
take the helm from Ralph Cicerone, chancellor since 1998
who has been elected president of the National Academy
of Sciences in Washington, D. C. Full
