Light-Emitting Diodes
Can Brighten the Night
Mills, of Berkeley Lab's Environmental
Energy Technologies Division, is the author of an
article in today's issue of Science which
proposes that highly-efficient, cost-effective white
light-emitting diodes (WLEDs) be promoted as a replacement
for the inefficient, polluting fuel-based lighting
that is now widely used in developing nations. In
his article, Mills notes that more than 1.6 billion
people have no access to electricity, and many others
have only intermittent access. Those who can afford
some type of illumination when it's dark rely on
lamps that burn kerosene, diesel, propane, or biomass-based
fuels. Full

UC Team to Compete
For LANL Contract
The University of California Board of Regents voted yesterday to pursue continued management and operations of Los Alamos National Laboratory by submitting a competitive proposal to the Department of Energy. The deadline for the proposal is July 19. The final bid will be submitted by a UC and Bechtel-led team that includes BWX Technologies Inc. and Washington Group International, as well as a consortium of New Mexico higher education institutions. Full story.

Call Issued for '06
INCITE Proposals
DOE's Office of Science is now seeking proposals for large allocations of computing resources through the Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program. Now in its third year, INCITE has been expanded to include high end computing resources at four DOE labs, including NERSC, or National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (located at Berkeley Lab), as well as Oak Ridge, Pacific Northwest, and Argonne Labs. Go here for more information.

Purchase Discounted Waterworld Tickets
A representative from the Lab's Employee Activities Association will be in the cafeteria today, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. selling discounted tickets for Waterworld in Concord. The tickets are good for May 28, 29, and 30, and June 18, 19, 26 and 26. The cost is $10 for each ticket, which is a $10 savings over the regular price.
Tucson Getting Hotter,
Even When Sun is Down
Lourdes Medrano
Levinson |
If you've been in Tucson for some years, you know those moonlight walks aren't as cool as they used to be. Blame the so-called "urban heat island" effect for keeping you drenched in sweat well into the night. Climate experts say that as cities like Tucson expand, the growing mix of buildings, dark roofs and asphalt absorbs more of the sun's rays. This makes cities hotter than their rural surroundings, creating a heat island. "We've seen this trend in many cities, where there are more dark surfaces and fewer trees," said Ronnen Levinson, with Berkeley Lab's Environmental Energy Technologies Division. Full story.

ESnet Adds City-Area
Ethernet Networks
Johnston |
Energy Sciences Network, or ESnet, is adding 10G
Ethernet metropolitan-area networks in key U.S.
cities in a move that could increase commercial
development of this emerging technology. ESnet is
one of the fastest IP networks in the world and
ranks as a leader of network technology. Run by
the Department of Energy, ESnet supports thousands
of government, industry and university scientists
who conduct experiments in areas such as high-energy
physics, human genomics, and climate modeling. The
article quotes William Johnston,
the ESnet program manager here at Berkeley Lab.

Microarrays Could Help
Clean Tomales Bay
Andersen |
an outbreak of Norwalk-like viruses near Tomales
Bay in 1998, government officials and local residents
are looking into the best way to clean up this popular
body of water. John Hulls, a writer with the Point
Reyes Light weekly newspaper, contacted Berkeley
Lab earth scientist Gary Andersen,
for more information. Andersen has developed "microarrays,"
a chip that uses 500,000 DNA probes to identify
and quantify more than 9,000 individual bacteria.
