Bus Boarding, Schedule Changes Begin June 27
Berkeley Lab shuttle bus schedules for both on-site and Hearst routes will change as of June 27. As a result, all stop intervals will increase by two minutes, to 12 minutes between buses. In addition, drivers will now use their turn signals to indicate to those waiting at a bus stop if the bus will be available for boarding. Once the turn signal is off, the driver will close the door and not reopen it until the next scheduled stop. The changes are being made to better ensure on-time performance without compromising safety. Go here to read the complete policy change. New schedules will be published in “Today at Berkeley Lab” next week.
LANL Seeks Contributors For Computing Symposium
The Sixth Symposium of the Los Alamos Computer Science Institute, to be held October 11-13, 2005 in Santa Fe, is now seeking contributions from all areas of high-performance computing, including systems, algorithms, and applications. The symposium especially encourages research papers that address major accomplishments in the development and application of very large parallel systems. The deadline for research paper submissions is Monday, July 11; and the deadline for posters is Monday, August 22. More information can be found on the symposium submissions site.
Building 70 and 70A Power Outage Saturday
There will be a planned power outage for Building 70 this Saturday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. for an electrical upgrade project. The power shutdown will affect utilities in both Bldg. 70 and 70A. Employees should take appropriate precautions to protect their work.