11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Ergonomics Fair
Cafeteria Lawn
Dance Club
Night Club Two-Step Dance Lesson
Bldg. 71-146J
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Ergonomics Fair
Cafeteria Lawn
Yoga Club
Yoga with Naomi Hartwig
Dance Club
Night Club Two-Step Dance Practice
Bldg. 71-146J
Environment, Health and Safety
LBNL Amateur Emergency Radio Group
12:15 p.m.
Yoga Club
Yoga with Chris Hoskins
1 p.m.
Environmental Energy Technologies
Aquatic Nanotoxicology: Invertebrate and Fish Exposure to Fullerene (nC60) and Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Mary Haasch, University of Michigan
Bldg 66 Auditorium
Morning Editions: Beef Patty and Eggs with Hashbrowns and Toast
Tomorrow's Breakfast:
Banana Pancakes with 2 Bacon Strips and 2 Eggs
Market Carvery: Mojo Pork with Rice and Veggies
The Fresh Grille: Reuben Sandwich with Fries and Coleslaw
Menutainment: Fiesta Taco Salad
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Operations to Cut Costs,
Reduce Workforce
Due to anticipated flat Laboratory funding, higher fixed costs, and inflation, reductions must be made in the Lab's FY 2006 Institutional budget. Therefore, Operations entered into a Reduction in Force (RIF) effective yesterday. A call for volunteers for layoff has been issued and will extend through August 31. Volunteers will be approved based on business needs. Once the volunteer process is completed, other specific positions may be targeted for layoff. Employees who are selected for involuntary layoff will be notified, to the extent possible, by September 15. Potential volunteers should contact their HR Center and the Benefits Office for information about options and benefits available. Employees are invited to attend a meeting today at noon in the Building 50 auditorium, where the Operations management team will explain the reasons for the RIF and its timing. (Employees may take their lunch break either before or after the meeting).

Badge Required For Lab
During Off Hours
Employees are reminded that Berkeley Lab badges are required for lab access during weekends, holidays and non-business hours. During these periods, a Lab badge is also necessary for card readers in order to gain access to all lab buildings, a process initiated after 9-11 to increase the security and safety at the lab during vulnerable periods of minimal activity. If you forget your Lab badge during non-business hours, you must have an on-site “Host” to gain entry. Due to DOE security requirements and security best practices, Security Officers are not permitted to by-pass card readers and grant access to the Lab to anyone not in possession of a Lab badge. Maintaining a safe and secure environment is the responsibility of every employee. For further information, please contact Dan Lunsford at extension 6016 or Jim Breckinridge at extension 4855.

Science Fans Experience
Action-packed Learning
By Anne Matthews
Even before he made a fire there, Steve Wolf had the audience in the palm of his hand. The special effects coordinator for movies and TV brought his one-man show, "Science in the Movies" to two packed houses at Amador Theatre on Tuesday, and at the Lawrence Hall of Science
(sponsored by Berkeley Lab's Physics Division)
on Wednesday. Beginning with the most basic concepts of matter, Wolf showed and explained how science makes stunts work and keeps stunt people safe. The facts were sometimes amazing that two drops of liquid could be heated to make a whole room fill with smoke and that pulleys could be used to lift several times your weight and the audience loved every minute of it. Full story.

Lab Issues Energy
Report on West Utilities
Utility resource planning is now driven as much by economics as it is policy, and is spurring increased acceptance of renewable resources, especially wind power, according to a recent report for western U.S. utility companies from Berkeley Lab. In "Balancing Cost and Risk: The Treatment of Renewable Energy in Western Utility Resource Plans," the future markets for renewable energy generation is the focus of 12 western utilities, which supply almost half the electricity demand in the western U.S. In light of increased recognition of the risks in fossil-based generation portfolios, the report suggests "possible improvements to the methods used to evaluate renewable energy as a resource option." Full report.