Iron From the Ring of Fire,
Not Dust, Study Shows
Lam, left, and Bishop |
Most oceanographers have assumed that the iron needed to fertilize infrequent plankton blooms in the areas of the world's oceans known as high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll (HNLC) regions comes almost entirely from wind-blown dust. Now Phoebe Lam and James Bishop of the Earth Sciences Division have shown that in the Western Subarctic North Pacific, one of the world's major HNLCs, the key source of iron is not dust but the volcanic continental margins of the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kuril Islands. The researchers report their findings in Geophysical Research Letters. Full story.
Parallel Computing Center
Launched at UC Berkeley
In partnership with Intel Corp. and Microsoft Corp., UC Berkeley is looking to accelerate developments in parallel computing and advance the powerful benefits of multi-core processing to mainstream consumer and business computers. The partnership, announced Tuesday, establishes the creation of two Universal Parallel Computing Research Centers. Principal investigators include Berkeley Lab computational researchers James Demmel, David Patterson, and Kathy Yelick. Full story.

Staff Can Share Ideas
On Wellness Program
What do the terms holistic health, wellness and work-life balance mean to you? To help the Lab’s Benefits Office develop a Wellness Program, employees are invited join a focus group where they can share their input and assist with strategic planning. Those who are interested should contact Gayle Tornberg by Monday, March 31. Starting in April, focus groups will meet once a month for approximately 45 minutes. All levels of employees, working in both scientific and operations divisions, are encouraged to participate.