Laser Eye Exams Offered
At Lab Every Wednesday
Class 3B and Class 4 laser users who will be at the Lab for more than one month must complete a Lab laser eye exam, which is offered by Health Services on Wednesdays. The exam utilizes a digital camera for retinal photos that eliminates the need for dilating eye drops. Baseline retinal photographs are taken, and additional photos will be taken after suspected eye exposures or at the request of the laser safety officer. Laser users should also receive an eye exam one year after ceasing laser use or at termination of employment. Laser eye exams are performed on Wednesdays by Dr. Bryan Doherty by appointment only. Call Health Services at x6266.
HILAC Accelerator
Demolition Tomorrow
A project is currently underway to demolish and remove the HILAC Accelerator from Building 71. Torch cutting of the Hilac tank and shielding within the building and outdoor lay-down area will begin tomorrow and continue intermittently through the end of April. The cutting will generate smoke that will be captured by filtered local exhaust units. If excessive smoke conditions result, the procedures will be modified to prevent problems for building inhabitants, those near the affected area, or the environment. This work is a planned, controlled operation and the Fire Department is aware of the project. Direct concerns or questions to John Patterson (812-6174) or Jack Heffernan (520-0571).
Management Skills
Program Deadline
The University of California Management Skills Assessment Program — to help supervisors with 1-3 years experience gain more skills — is April 27-May 2. The deadline for applying is March 14. Go here for information on costs and eligibility, or contact Karen Ramorino (x6316).
Discount Tickets
For Arena Football
The San Jose SaberCats, members of the Arena Football League and last year’s champions, are inviting Berkeley Lab employees to their game on Saturday, March 22, for the discounted price of $13 per ticket. To purchase tickets, contact Mike Nieves (408-573-5577). The last day to place orders will be Friday.