Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Today at Berkeley LabBerkeley Lab
Web feed icon Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2008 spacer image
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Cyber-Archaeology: Reconstruction and Communication of the Ancient World
Maurizio Forte
290 Hearst Mining Bldg.

Dance Club
Intermediate Waltz
Bldg. 51 Lobby

12:15 p.m.
Yoga Club
Class with Chris Hoskins

Bldg. 70A-3377 (note different location)

3 p.m.
Enabling Technologies for Single Particle X-Ray Diffractive Imaging at FLASH
Mike Bogan
Bldg. 6-2202

4 p.m.
Chemical Engineering Department
Engineering Organic-to-Semiconductor Heterojunctions
Thomas Kuech
120 Latimer Hall

4 p.m.
Seaborg Center
Probing Disorder in Pu(Am) Through Magnetic Measurements
Scott McCall
Bldg. 70A-3377



11:30 a.m.
Benefits Office
Determining Your Investment Strategy
Joseph Hager
Bldg. 50 Auditorium

Environmental Energy Technologies
The Energy Efficiency of the U.S. Fluorescent Lamp Ballast Industry

Francis Rubinstein
Bldg. 90-3122

1:30 p.m.
Materials Sciences
Surfaces and Interfaces in Nature Inspired Materials

Tony Tomsia
Bldg. 66 Auditorium

4 p.m.
Dark Energy: A Cosmic Mystery

Cristof Wetterich
Bldg. 50A-5132

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spacer imageCAFETERIA MENU

Breakfast: Spinach and Mushroom Quiche
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Chorizo/Soyrizo Scramble
Salad: Orzo Primavera
Blue Plate: Carved Ham with Pineapple
Blue Plate 2: Chicken Tikka Masala
Grill: Portabello Sandwich
Deli: Steak and Onion Panini
Pizza: Hawaiian

6:30 to 10:30 a.m.
11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Coffee Bar
Mon. - Fri: 6:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Weekends: 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.


Biofuel Industries Call
Recent Studies ‘Naïve’

Biofuel proponents disagree with new studies that claim producing biofuels increases greenhouse gases because more land is being cleared. “They’re based on naïve assumptions,” said Berkeley Lab physical bioscientist Chris Somerville, who heads the Energy Biosciences Incstitute. He was reacting to two new studies, published in the online version of Science Monday and due in print next week, asserting that the biofuels his institute is pursuing are less environmentally friendly than gasoline. Full story.


JGI Metagenome Analysis
System is Now Updated

Targeting its ever-expanding user community, the Joint Genome Institute has released an upgraded version of the IMG/M metagenome data management and analysis system. IMG/M provides tools for analyzing the functional capability of microbial communities based on their metagenome DNA sequence in the context of reference isolate genomes. The new version of IMG/M includes five additional metagenome datasets generated from microbial community samples that were the subject of recently published studies. Full story.


Don't Put Other Items
In Battery Buckets

Staff are reminded that the designated battery-collection pails distributed throughout the Lab are for battery disposal only. Other items, such as circuit boards, smoke detectors, and electronic parts that have sharp edges and prongs should not be put in the buckets. These items must be sorted for proper disposal and can pose safety hazards when handled. In addition, batteries should not be mutilated, tops torn off, or defaced. The information on the battery is key to proper disposal. Go here for more information.


Internet Helps Save
More Energy Every Year

The rate at which the United States is becoming more energy-efficient has soared since 1995, when the computer-based Internet and communications revolution began soaking into American society. That conclusion — from a groundbreaking study by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy last week — stands in sharp contrast to recent concerns that the computer backbone of the Internet was gobbling up huge amounts of energy. "Not long ago we had all these people running around saying the Internet was going to gobble up all this power," says Jonathan Koomey with Berkeley Lab’s Environmental Energy Technologies Division. "But their claims were vastly overestimated.” Full story.


New Reports Submission
System Available Feb. 20

Berkeley Lab authors and collaborators who produce or contribute to scientific or technical reports will have a new streamlined Reports Submission System to facilitate contractually required submissions of reports to the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information and to the California Digital Library. It will also benefit division administrators who assist authors in submissions. The new system will replace the current system on Wednesday, Feb. 20. Go here to learn more about the benefits of the upgraded system.

Retirement Workshop
In Bldg. 50 Tomorrow

The Lab’s Benefits Office invites employees to attend a retirement workshop on  “Determining Your Investment Strategy.” The session will be led by Fidelity Investments Tax-Exempt Services Company (FITSCo) representative Joseph Hagar. Participants will learn about investing for retirement and gain a better understanding of the steps that should be taken to ensure retirement readiness. The workshop will be held in the Building 50 Auditorium tomorrow from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 pm.

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Partly cloudy.
High: 57° (14° C)
IMAGE: Weather icon
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