10 Days to Runaround |
10 a.m.
Personal and Family Preparedness
Ana-Marie Jones
Bldg. 50 Auditorium
11 a.m.
Chemistry Department
Chemical Approaches to Monitor Protein Phosphorylation
Mary Kay Pflum, Wayne State U.
120 Latimer Hall (campus)
4 p.m.
Chemistry Department
Illuminating the Mechanistic Roles of Enzyme Conformational Dynamics and New Directions in Single-Molecule Spectroscopy
Haw Yang, UC Berkeley
120 Latimer Hall (campus)
4:30 p.m.
Water Resources Center Archives
Tracking the Nation's Ground Water Reserves
William Alley, U.S. Geological Survey
112 Wurster Hall (campus)
Driving Sustainable Consumption through Environmental Accounting of Retail Goods and Services
Chris Jones, Berkeley Institute of the Environment
290 Hearst Mining Bldg. (campus)
12:15 p.m.
Yoga Club
Class with Chris Hoskins
Bldg. 70-191
Breakfast: Roasted Veggie and Swiss Omelet with Toast and Hash Browns
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Ham and Cheddar Scramble with Hash Browns
Pizza: Pesto Pizza with Roasted Eggplant
Grill: Sweet Italian Sausage with Peppers and Onions
Cultural Cuisine: Taco Salad
Deli: Honey Dijon Ham Prestini on Baguette
Carvery: Meatloaf with Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
menu |

Spotting Alzheimer's
Before Symptoms
By Eric Jaffe
Jagust |
Effective treatments for Alzheimer's disease appear several years away at best. But, in what could be considered a painful irony, scientists have become increasingly adept at spotting the illness in its earliest stages. "Even since five years ago, there's been a huge technical jump," says Berkeley Lab life scientist William Jagust. "I think for the first time, we have the idea that we might be able to predict what happens to normal older people who aren't having symptoms — to predict who among that group is destined to develop Alzheimer's disease could be possible." Full story.
Pesticide Approved
Despite Concerns
By Marla Cone
Bergman |
Despite the protests of more than 50 scientists, including five Nobel laureates in chemistry, the Environmental Protection Agency on Friday approved use of a new, highly toxic fumigant, mainly for strawberry fields. Robert Bergman, with Berkeley Lab’s Chemical Sciences Division, led the effort by scientists to persuade the EPA to reject methyl iodide. Full story.
Deadlines for 403(b),
457(b) Contributions
The deadline for those who want to enroll or make changes to their 457(b) contributions is Oct. 30 for bi-weekly and monthly paid employees. The deadline for 403(b) contributions is Nov. 14 for monthly paid staff and Dec. 10 for bi-weekly paid staff. The 2007 Maximum Annual Contribution Limit for each plan is $15,500. For employees who are age 50 by Dec. 31, the limit is $20,500. In addition, some employees may be eligible to make additional contributions under the lifetime catch-up provisions of the plans. Enroll or make changes here, or call FITSCo (866-682-7787).

Four Million Visits
To Energy Saver Site
The Home Energy Saver website, developed by researchers in Berkeley Lab’s Environmental Energy Technologies Division to guide homeowners in retrofitting homes for energy efficiency, recently had its four-millionth visit. It took five years to reach the first million visits, two and a half years for the second, one and a half for the third, and just one year for the fourth. Of the 5,600 users that have answered the user survey, 91 percent are homeowners or renters and about a third report having taken steps to save energy in their homes based on what they learned from the website. “If this is at all representative of the entire user population, we have indeed touched a great number of homes,” says EETD’s Evan Mills, the Home Energy Saver team leader.
Times for Calendar
Connection Meetings
Those who wish to attend an information meeting on connecting the Lab and Berkeley campus calendars (to go into effect Oct. 21) can do so at noon or 1 p.m. in the Building 50 Auditorium on Thursday. An additional meeting will be held in Building 937-301 tomorrow at noon. Go here for more information.
Tech Transfer Mulling
R&D 100 Nominations
The Lab’s Technology Transfer department is currently reviewing nominations for the R&D 100 Top Technology awards. The awards, sponsored by R&D Magazine, are given based on both societal impact and scientific advancement. Those who know of a technology that may be a good nominee should contact Pam Seidenman (x 6461). More information is available here. A list of past winners is here.
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Non-emergency Incident Reporting: Call x6999
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