Last Day for SHARES
Charity Giving Campaign
Today marks the end of the 2007 Berkeley Lab SHARES charitable giving campaign. All donations placed in the outgoing mailbox today and received next week will be accepted. Donors will also be eligible for the final prize drawing for SHARES, if they return their prize ticket to Payroll with their donor form (or, if giving electronically, with their printout of the donation). Winners will be notified by e-mail and in Today at Berkeley Lab. Go here for details on how to give.
Computing Sciences
Revamps its Website
The Lab’s Computing Sciences Division has redesigned its website, with a focus on highlighting the unit’s latest news and research. Browsers can access links to NERSC, ESnet and Computational Research on the site, or search for staff using last name or their functional group. The “Media Center” features recent updates, a news archive, access to CS publications, and an image gallery. Go here to view the new site.
Reduced Lunch Menu; Coffee Bar Closes Early
Because of the reduced number of staff at the Lab today (due to Thanksgiving holiday tomorrow and Friday) the cafeteria is offering a reduced menu for lunch, and the coffee bar will close at 2 p.m. In other cafeteria news, the credit and ATM card machines at the checkout registers are now up and running.
