Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Today at Berkeley LabBerkeley Lab
  Friday, March 16, 2007 spacer image
spacer imageCALENDAR


10 a.m.
Materials Sciences
Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Optical Excitations in Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Ying-Zhong Ma, UC Berkeley
Bldg. 6-2202

Yoga Club
Class with Naomi Hartwig
Bldg. 70-131

Dance Club
Ballroom Dance Practice
Bldg. 51

2 p.m.
Nano Institute
Integration of Synthetic Nanomaterials for Nano- and Macro-Electronics
Ali Javey, UC Berkeley
390 Hearst Mining Bldg. (campus)

4 p.m.
Chemistry Department
Discovery and Development of New Catalysts for the Synthesis of Small Molecules and Polymers
Geoffrey Coates, Cornell U.
120 Latimer Hall (campus)


7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Philanthropy Club
Red Cross Blood Drive
Cafeteria Parking Lot

Dance Club
American Tango Lesson
Bldg. 51 Lobby (Bevatron)

Yoga Club
Class with Inna Belogolovsky
Bldg. 70-131

1:30 p.m.
Materials Sciences
Molecular In Situ Studies of Atmospheric Corrosion
Christofer Leygraf, Royal Technical U., Stockholm
Bldg. 66 Auditorium

3 p.m.
Energy Biosciences Institute
Campus-Lab Forum on EBI
145 Dwinelle Hall (campus)

4 p.m.
Chemistry Department
Protein Folding and Misfolding: From Nanoscience to Neuroscience
Christopher Dobson, U. of Cambridge
100 Lewis Hall (campus)

4 p.m.
Engineering Nano/Biological Interfaces
Carolyn Bertozzi
306 Soda Hall (campus)

4:30 p.m.
Department, Order and Disorder in Columnar Joints
Stephen Morris, U. of Toronto
1 LeConte (campus)

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Morning Editions: Breakfast Burrito with Potatoes
Market Carvery: Corned Beef and Cabbage
Fresh Grille: Cuban Stacker with French Fries and Cole Slaw

Menutainment: Viva El Burrito with Chicken or Pork

B'fast: 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
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Chu Joins New Education
Initiative for Math, Science

Berkeley Lab Director Steve Chu has agreed to serve on the Board of Directors for the National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI), a major new program designed to help America regain its global leadership position in technological innovation. ExxonMobil Foundation is supporting the initiative with a commitment of $125 million, which will be invested in training and incentive programs for teachers and prospective teachers. The creation of NMSI comes in response to the call for action by the National Academies' 2005 blue ribbon panel report, “Rising Above the Gathering Storm,” of which Chu was one of the authors. Full story.


Latest Issue of 'View'
Is Available Today

PDG booklet in Paris

The Lab's top-rated performance in a recent DOE survey, profiles of the new officers for Human Resources and Information Technology, seeing through Hawaii's Keck Telescope from an observation facility here on the Hill, and a photo montage of the physicist's bible, the Lab-produced PDG booklet, shot in exotic locales around the world, are among the stories available in today's issue of the View, the monthly employee newspaper. Copies are available in the cafeteria lobby, the Building 65 bus station, and in most departmental mailrooms.

Nonresident Tax Workshop To be Held March 29

The Lab's Payroll and International Researchers and Scholars Offices will conduct a nonresident international tax workshop on Thursday, March 29, from 2 to 4:30 p.m., in the Building 50 Auditorium. An overview of tax forms, tax treaties, and resources will be provided. Attendees can also get answers to VISA questions relating to nonresident taxation issues.


EBI Educational Forum
On Campus Monday, 3 p.m.

Berkeley Lab Director Steve Chu and UC Berkeley Vice Chancellor for Research Beth Burnside invite all employees to attend an informational forum on the Energy Biosciences Institute (EBI) on Monday from 3 to 6 p.m. Researchers involved in crafting the EBI proposal, including Chu and Lab scientists Jay Keasling and Chris Somerville, will be on campus in 145 Dwinelle Hall to present an overview of the institute and its scientific program. The audience will be invited to participate in a Q&A in the last hour. For more information on EBI, the biofuels research partnership that includes Lab and campus, the Univeristy of Illinois, and the BP energy company, go here.


Take Frequent Breaks;
Prevent Ergo Problems

All employees are encouraged to take regular breaks (at least 2-3 minutes for every 30 minutes of computer work), in order to avoid ergonomics-related problems. In addition, anecdotal evidence suggests that many employees stop taking breaks when their workload increases. It is important to identify periods of peak workload, especially when computer tasks increase to more than 4 hours per day or increase by more than 25 percent above normal. More information on taking breaks can be found here.

Reminder of Lab’s
Smoking Policy

With warmer weather arriving, employees, guests, contractors, and visitors are reminded to follow the Lab's smoking policy by disposing cigarette butts or other smoking materials in the Lab's outdoor ash cans. While smoking, staff should keep at least 20 feet away from building entrances, exits, and operable windows, particularly near the cafeteria and Building 50 Auditorium. Go here to view the smoking policy (RPM Section 2.23(J)) and instructions on how to obtain outdoor ash cans or request an EH&S review.


Study Aids Renewable Energy Impact Projection

While state-level renewables portfolio standards have become important drivers for renewable energy in the U.S., the adoption of these policies often hinges on debates over expected costs and benefits. Many state level studies have been conducted to forecast these potential impacts, but the methods and assumptions used by these studies vary. A new report from Berkeley Lab's Cliff Chen (Advanced Light Source), Ryan Wiser (Environmental Energy Technologies), and Mark Bolinger (also EETD), synthesizes and analyzes the results and methodologies of previous state RPS cost-benefit projections. The report aims to provide methodological guidance for future state RPS impact projections. Full story. Go here to read the report.

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