Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Today at Berkeley LabBerkeley Lab
  Monday, Dec. 17, 2007 spacer image
spacer imageCALENDAR
A full listing of the Lab's activities is available on the

Events Calendar button


Yoga Club
Class with Inna Belogolovsky
Bldg. 70-191

3 to 5 p.m.
Graham Fleming Farewell Party


11 a.m.
UC Berkeley Chemistry Dept.
Functional Polymers and Particles - Tailored Materials for Interfaces, Capsules, and Delivery
Todd Emrick, University of Massachusetts Amherst
120 Latimer Hall

Berkeley Lab Macintosh User Group
AppleScript, Automator, and UNIX Tips & Tricks in Mac OS X
Ron Ustach, Apple, Inc.
Bldg 2-100

4 p.m.
Physics Division
Search for the SM Higgs and Continuum ZZ Production in the Dilepton + Neutrino Final State at the Energy Frontier
Shih-Chieh Hsu, UC San Diego
Bldg. 50A-3132

4 p.m.
Life Sciences & Genomics Division/Engineering Division
The Real World of BioInstrumentation Meets Microtechnology and Nanotechnology
Raymond Mariella, Jr., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Bldg. 66 Auditorium

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spacer imageCAFETERIA

Breakfast: TBD
Tomorrow's Breakfast: TBD
Cultural Cuisines: TBD
Pizza: TBD
Deli: TBD
Grill: TBD
Carvery: TBD

Reminder: The cafeteria will be conducting its inventory this week, so the menu will be planned on a daily basis and not listed here in advance.

B'fast: 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Full menu
A Holiday Message
From Director Chu

The holidays are a time to get together with family and friends. Just as safety at Berkeley Lab relies on employees looking after one another, identifying unsafe practices, and correcting hazardous situations, I ask that everyone do the same at home while enjoying the holidays. Take the time to ensure that conditions in your home are safe. Keep safety in mind as you're traveling, shopping, decorating, driving, cooking and all the other things that go with celebrating the season. Please read these safety suggestions and share them with family and friends. Happy Holidays!



EIR Hearing Tonight
On Helios Building

Berkeley Lab will hold a public hearing today to invite comment on the draft environmental impact report (EIR) for the proposed Helios Energy Research Facility. The hearing will take place from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the North Berkeley Senior Center. Berkeley Lab proposes to construct an approximately 160,000 gross-square-foot facility (including a 250-seat auditorium), an access road, and a parking area with 50 spaces. The building would accommodate research programs focused primarily on alternative and renewable energy sources. The public comment period for the draft EIR extends to Feb. 1, 2008. It can be obtained here.


Lab, South Dakota Group Map DUSEL’s Future

Berkeley Lab hosted a group of South Dakota officials and congressional staffers Dec. 6 to discuss the next phases of the Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL), a multipurpose research facility that is slated to be developed at Homestake, a former gold mine near Lead, SD. The group included members of the South Dakota Science and Technology Authority and staff members from South Dakota’s Congressional delegation: Senators Tim Johnson (D) and John Thune (R) and Representative Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D). They met with Lab physicist Kevin Lesko, principal investigator of Homestake DUSEL, and several other Lab and UC Berkeley employees. Full story.


Gray Named Winner
Of Komen Research Award


The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation recently announced the 2007 winners of its Brinker Award for Scientific Distinction. The award recognizes leading scientists for significant work that advances basic research concepts or clinical application in the fields of breast cancer. This year’s recipients are Berkeley Lab Associate Laboratory Director Joe Gray and Leslie Bernstein of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. Go here to read the Komen Foundation press release.



Homespun Electricity,
From the Wind

By Kristina Shevory


Ryan Wiser, with Berkeley Lab's Environmental Energy Technologies Division, is quoted in a recent New York Times article that explores how suburban homeowners are installing wind turbines to generate electricity. Wiser said the effect of large wind farms on home values has been mixed, and added that there are no studies covering small turbines. When calculating the sale price of a home with a turbine, some brokers value them as they would a swimming pool, adding half of the purchase and installation costs to a home’s price. Full story.


Enhanced Visitor Pass System is 'Live' Today

The Site Access Office has launched a new online visitor pass system that must be used by employees starting today. Users can access a step-by-step instruction manual by clicking a link on the log-in page. The new system allows visitors to print their own parking permits and bus passes (formerly processed through a separate system), which allows them through the Lab's gates. The meeting/conference form has also been integrated onto the site. For more information, or to report a problem, contact Maki Tabata (x7572) or Sam Houston (x4855).

Say Goodbye, Thanks
To Fleming Today

A tribute to former Berkeley Lab Deputy Director Graham Fleming will take place today from 3 to 5 p.m. in the cafeteria. Friends and colleagues are invited to stop by to say goodbye and share memories with him as he embarks on a sabbatical leave.

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30% chance of rain.
High: 53° (12° C)
IMAGE: Weather icon
Extended Forecast
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Emergency: Call x7911
Cell Phones: Call 911
Non-emergency Incident Reporting: Call x6999

SECON level 3

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