Helios, EBI Funding
Included in State Budget
The 2007-08 state budget signed by Gov. Schwarzenegger on Friday includes $70 million in bond funding that will be applied to the construction of the Helios building that will house Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley scientists investigating alternative carbon-free fuels. It designates $30 million in lease revenue bond funding for Helios, and $40 million for the Energy Biosciences Institute (EBI), a campus-lab partnership (along with the University of Illinois) that will be located within the Helios building. The facility, a UC Berkeley project that will be located on campus land just below the Molecular Foundry, is scheduled to open in 2010. Go here to read what else the University of California will get in the budget.

Today Marks Start
Of Cal’s Fall Semester
Lab employees should be aware that the UC Berkeley campus starts its fall semester today, with some 34,500 students expected to enroll. At a start-of-school press conference, Berkeley Chancellor Rober Birgeneau commented on how quickly funds for research on energy self-sufficiency — something he and Berkeley Lab director Steve Chu committed to last year — have been procured, namely through grants from BP and the Department of Energy.
Runaround Planning
Meeting Wednesday
The Lab’s 30th Runaround event — sponsored this year by the Employee Activities Association — is scheduled for Oct. 19. Volunteers are needed to assist with the numerous tasks this event requires. Those interested in helping out are invited to attend a planning meeting on Wednesday, from noon to 1 p.m., in Perseverance Hall.
Dodgers, Giants Ticket Sale in Cafeteria Today
Tickets for SF Giants vs. LA Dodgers will be on sale today from noon to 1 p.m. in the cafeteria. Cost is $27 per ticket (a $5 discount). Checks and money orders will be accepted. Tickets can also be purchased by contacting Arabella Schmidt.


Viewers Ask, Director
Responds on Biofuels
Chu |
After the Public Broadcasting System's Lehrer News Hour on May 2 aired a national story featuring Berkeley Lab Director Steve Chu and his quest for cleaner forms of energy, several viewers wrote to Chu via the program's website and asked questions about energy. The News Hour has posted his responses, along with a transcript, audio and video of the show. Go here to see the questions and links to Chu's answers, and here to access the program.

Lawsuit Sought to Halt
Lab’s Expansion Plans
A group of Berkeley residents has joined forces to file a legal challenge to expansion plans at Berkeley Lab. The petition for a writ of mandate lodged in Alameda County Superior Court challenges the UC Board of Regents’ July 17 adoption of the environmental impact report (EIR) for the lab’s Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) 2026 and the LRDP itself. Full story.

From l-r, Borden, Martinez, Foster, Bedford, Howard |
Bus, Truck Drivers
Lauded for Safe Records
Lab bus and truck drivers who’ve gone consecutive years without a preventable accident on their records were honored for their achievement at a luncheon last week. Special recognition was given to those who’ve reached five-year milestones. Those honored for five years include Stephanie Martinez, Patrick Borden, Luster Howard and Robert Kelley. Ten-year recipients were Kathreen Bedford, Troy Foster, and Kevin Haugh. The program, now in its 52nd year, was created promote safe driving at the Lab.