9:30 a.m
Advanced Light Source (ALS)
Study of magnetization dynamics in the nanoscale using time-resolved x-ray microscopy
Xiaowei Yu, Stanford University
Bldg. 6-2202 Conf Room
10 a.m.
Advanced Light Source (ALS)
Orbital Hierarchy Inversion and Magnetic Transition in Mn Doped Sr3Ru2O7
Muhammad Hossain, University of British Columbia
Bldg. 6-2202 Conf Room
11 a.m.
Materials Sciences Division
Development of bioanaytical tools using nano- and microtechnology
Dr. Woong Kim, Molecular Foundry
Bldg. 67-3111
1:30 p.m.
Environment, Health and Safety
EHS346-Chemical Mgmt System Web Application Training
Bldg. 90-0026
4 p.m.
Physics Division
Looking for Dark Energy using the SDSS and Other Massive Sky Surveys
Robert Nichol, ICG, Portsmouth
Bldg. 50A-5132
10 a.m.
Environment, Health and Safety
EHS10-Intro to EH&S
Bldg. 70A-3377
11 a.m.
Advanced Light Source (ALS)
High Magnetic Anisotropy Materials - From Bulk through Multilayers to Nano-scaled Particles
Prof. Takao Suzuki, Fellow of IEEE, Vice president Toyota Technological Institute, Nagoya, Japan/Adjunct professor
Bldg. 6-2202 Conf Room
Yoga Club
Yoga with Naomi Hartwig
Bldg. 70-191
Dance Club
Bldg. 51 - Bevatron |
Breakfast: Lorraine Omlet with Bacon, Swiss and Onions with Hash Browns
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Breakfast Muffaletta
Carvery: Tri Tip Served with Roasted Potatoes and Vegetables
Pizza: Barbecued Chicken with Roasted Corn and Smoked Mozzarella
Deli: Chicken club prestini
Wild Greens: Chinese Chicken Salad
Fresh Grill: Classic Gyro Sandwich served with Fried Potatoes
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
menu  |
New Issue of S@BL Now On-Line
Quantum effects that speed photosynthesis, burning choices to avoid the disasters of global warming, how to safely nanowire a living cell, the wild stuff of Comet Wild 2, FabLab Batteries, chemical-free bioremediation, and the first of a three-part series on the NMR/MRI research of Alex Pines and his Pinenuts are what’s in the mix of stories in the newest edition of Science@Berkeley Lab. Read it all here.

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