1 p.m.
Molecular Foundry Seminar
The FUN of aerosols: Assessing exposure to Fine, Ultrafine, and Nano particles in workplace atmospheres
Thomas Peters, University of Iowa
Molecular Foundry, room 3111
8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Karats Jewelry Sale
Cafeteria Lobby
Dance Club
New Dance Lesson for Fox Trot
Bldg. 51 Bevatron Lobby
12:15 p.m.
Yoga Club
Yoga with Chris Hoskins
Bldg. 70-191
4 p.m.
Chemical Sciences
The large influence of the substituents on the Cp' ring on the CO stretching frequencies in Cp3'U(CO): How they report on the participation of f and d orbitals in the U-CO bond
Odile Eisenstein, Institut Charles Gerhardt CNRS-Universite Montpellier 2 France
Bldg. 70A-3377 |
Breakfast: French Toast with Fruit Salad and Sausage Links
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Garden Flats Scramble Wrap with Hash Browns
Carvery: Garlic and Rosemary Pork Loin with Roasted Potatoes
Pizza: Pineapple & Ham Pizza
Deli: Roast Beef Prestini with Blue Cheese and Carmelized Onions
Wild Greens: Taco Salad Tuesday
Fresh Grill: Chicken Quesadilla served with Guacamole, Salsa & Sour Cream
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
menu  |
Lab to Hold Scoping
Meeting For Helios,
CRT Projects
Berkeley Lab will hold a public meeting tomorrow to invite comment on the scope of two draft environmental impact reports (EIRs) that will be issued for two proposed projects: the Helios Energy Research Facility project and the Computational Research and Theory (CRT) Facility project. The meeting will take place from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the North Berkeley Senior Center, which is located at 1901 Hearst Street, Berkeley. On July 26, the Lab issued two Notices of Preparation for the two draft EIRs, which will evaluate the environmental impacts of the Helios Energy Research Facility project and the CRT Facility project. More information and copies of the two Notices of Preparation are available at the Berkeley Public Library, the Berkeley Lab Main Library, and online at
Lab Researchers Featured
On Technology Segment
Tech Closeup, a show about technology that runs on numerous community cable television stations in the Bay Area, has produced a segment about research on automated demand response in the Environmental Energy Technologies Division. The video segment included interviews with EETD’s Mary Ann Piette, and California Energy Commissioner Art Rosenfeld. Automated Demand Response (DR) is the use of Internet technology to automatically shut down non-essential energy consuming equipment during high electricity demand. Commercial customers in the state increasingly have the option to sign up for voluntary utility demonstration programs incorporating automated DR. View a portion of the video
here under "Segment 2."
Scientists Close In
DNA Repair Regions
Ionizing radiation, toxic chemicals, and other agents continually damage the body's DNA, threatening life and health: unrepaired DNA can lead to mutations, which in turn can lead to diseases like cancer. Intricate DNA repair mechanisms in the cells' nuclei are constantly working to fix what's broken, but whether the repair work happens "on the road"—right where the damage occurs—or "in the shop"—at specific regions of the nucleus—is unknown. Now, a team of researchers led by Sylvain Costes of the Life Sciences Division may be close to finding an answer. Read the story here.
Oliver Franke of University of Erlangen, Germany, at the workshop poster session
NCEM Workshop Draws
International Researchers
The Lab hosted an NCEM Workshop on in situ methods in Nanomechanics last week. Co-organized by Andrew Minor of Materials Sciences, the workshop brought together researchers from around the world who share an interest in
combining nanomechanical testing with real-time monitoring techniques, such as transmission or scanning electron
microscopy, x-ray diffraction, etc. Such methods promise to improve understanding of the origins of mechanical
properties, and of how mechanical and other properties are coupled. To view a pdf of the workshop’s final program go
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