19 More Days Left
In Open Enrollment |
11 a.m.
Advanced Light Source
Comparative Studies of Bulk and Nanosize Particles of Ferrites Using Mossbauer Spectroscopy
N.M. Butt, Pakistan Science Foundation
Bldg. 6-2202
Yoga Club
Class with Naomi Hartwig
Bldg. 70-191
OCFO/Sponsored Projects Office
Are you ready for Grants.Gov?
Bldg. 54-130
2 p.m.
UC Berkeley
Genetic Control of the Synthesis and Assembly of Materials for Electronics and Energy
Angela Belcher, MIT
390 Hearst Mining Bldg.
9 a.m.
EHS20 - ES&H for Supervisors and Managers
Bldg. 70A-3377
10 a.m.
EHS22-Ergonomics for Supervisors
Bldg. 70A-3377
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
CFO - Procurement
eBuy Orientation for Computer Hardware, Software, Peripherals and Supplies
Bldg. 54-130
10:30 a.m.
Center for Beam Physics
Overview of Tsinghua University's Scientific Research Programs in Accelerator and High Energy Physics
Profs. Kejun Kang, Chuangxiang Tang, Yuanning Gao,
Tsinghua University
Bldg. 71-264
Berkeley Lab Institute
Dance Club Waltz Lesson
51 Bevatron Lobby
Yoga Club
Class with Inna Belogolovsky
Bldg. 70-191
Persuading a Puzzled Public to Adopt Demand Response
Chris Shockman, Shockman Consultants
Bldg. 90-3122
1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
EHS260-Basic Electrical Hazards
Bldg. 70A-3377
4:30 p.m.
Physics Department, UC Berkeley
The Principle of Mediocrity
Alexander Vilenkin, Tufts University
1 LeConte Hall |
Morning Editions: Biscuits and Gravy with 2 Eggs
Monday's Breakfast: 2 Eggs, 2 Bacon Strips and 2 French Toasts
Carvery: Chicken with Sundried Tomatoes and Artichokes
Fresh Grille: Chicken Parmesan Sandwich with Fries and Coleslaw
Menutainment: Viva El Burrito with Chicken or Pork
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Symposium Will Conclude
Anniversary Celebration
Berkeley Lab’s year-long tribute to its 75 years of achievement will conclude with a bang on Tuesday, Nov. 14, when some of the most prominent Lab leaders, scientists and historians devote a full day to discussing the Lab’s contributions then, now and in the future. Lab employees can experience the anniversary symposium, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., in two ways: in person at the Building 50 Auditorium, space permitting, or at two sites where the proceedings will be videocast live: the Building 66 Auditorium and Perseverance Hall. Go here to register for the full day’s program in Building 50, which includes the option of ordering a $15 lunch.
Directors’ Forum, History
Highlights Top Agenda
Berkeley Lab’s 75th anniversary symposium on Nov. 14 will feature back-to-back presentations that serve to encompass the breadth of scientific accomplishment past and present. From John Heilbron, historian and author of the seminal Lab biography, “Lawrence and His Laboratory,” to Pier Oddone, long-time Lab Deputy Director and now Fermilab’s Director, the 16 speakers will reflect the legacy and promise of this storied institution. Of special interest will be a panel discussion by three of the Lab’s six Directors: current leader Steve Chu, his predecessor Chuck Shank, and 1970’s Director Andy Sessler. Go here for the tentative agenda.
Noonan and Prabhakar |
‘Sticky’ Cells Key
To Brain Development
The stickiness of our brain cells may have been a key factor in why the human brain evolved beyond the brains of our primate relatives. In a study comparing the genomes of humans, chimpanzees, mice and other vertebrates, researchers at Berkeley Lab and the Joint Genome Institute found a strikingly high degree of genetic differences in DNA sequences that appear to regulate genes involved in nerve cell adhesion molecules. This would enable human neurons to better connect with other neurons and supportive proteins, leading to a brain capable of far more complex cognitive functions.
The research was led by Eddy Rubin, Shyam Prabhakar and James Noonan. Read the release here. |
UAW Withdraws Petition
To Represent Postdocs
The United Auto Workers union, which has been conducting a campaign to be the exclusive representative of the University of California's post-doctoral employees, has withdrawn its petition for recognition from the Public Employee Relations Board (PERB). Thus the process of gathering signatures from postdocs to support UAW representation has ended. The PERB Regional Director, who will issue an official document to conclude the process, has directed UC and the UAW to consider the matter closed.
Computer Supplies
Available Soon via eBuy
An orientation on the upcoming rollout of the Laboratory’s next eBuy direct-ordering purchasing solution for computer hardware, software, peripherals and supplies will be held on Monday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Perseverance Hall. All Laboratory employees are invited to attend. Demonstrations will be provided on how to order directly from your desktop using the fast and easy eBuy procurement process. Representatives from USFalcon/CDW-G will demonstrate their website including dedicated on-line catalog and electronic ordering tools for Laboratory users. Computer equipment and supply manufacturer representatives will be available to answer questions and demonstrate new products. For more information, read the flyer here.