Outage Affects Network
Services Over Weekend
The IT Division has scheduled a system outage to perform maintenance and update security patches over the Memorial Day weekend from 7 a.m. to noon this Sunday and Monday. During the Sunday morning outage, Calendar will be unavailable and the Lab's web server (www.lbl.gov) will be down for short periods. On Monday morning, IMAP e-mail servers will be down, and employees will not be able to login to e-mail. Because ldap.lbl.gov will also be affected, users will not have access to Berkeley Lab Information Systems (BLIS) and other business applications. For help, contact the IT Help Desk (x4357).
State Schools Raise
Science Scores
By Carla Rivera
California's fourth- and eighth-graders are getting smarter in science, showing the largest achievement gains in the nation, but still scoring well below their peers in other states, according to a federal study released Wednesday. In addition, Latino, Asian and low-income fourth-graders in California showed marked improvement compared to other states, a particularly promising trend because the state's ethnic and racial makeup and large numbers of English learners have traditionally been associated with lower test scores. Full story.
Want to Play Softball?
Join, Form a Lab Team
The Lab's annual summer softball league will begin its season soon. Employees interested in joining a team, or managing a new team, should contact commissioner Steve Blair. Games are played on Wednesday evenings from mid-June through late August at UC Berkeley's Maxwell Field.
Don't Forget; Monday
Is Memorial Day
General Logan |
Berkeley Lab will be closed on Monday in recognition of the Memorial Day Holiday, and will re-open Tuesday, May 30. Originally called Decoration Day, Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service. The holiday was officially proclaimed by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, and was first observed on May 30, 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery.
In An Emergency:
The number above is printed on the back of all employee badges. It is the emergency status number. That is, if something happens in or near the laboratory that might affect access or work conditions, Berkeley Lab's Emergency Services Office will activate an audio message at that number to inform employees about what they should do.