Weigh In On Workplace Climate Via Staff Survey
Through regularly scheduled informal lunches with division and department staffs, plus brown bags and an "Ask Steve" feature in Today at Berkeley Lab, I have attempted to understand the issues and concerns that face the Laboratory community.
While those exchanges have been extremely helpful, they touch only a small portion of our population. A Workplace Climate Survey, posted online today, will attempt to reach many more. The survey is an outgrowth of discussions among members of the Diversity Best Practices Council, Ombudsman Harry Reed, and my office.
Through the results, we hope to be able to improve management practices and organizational effectiveness. It will help us to identify strengths and weaknesses in order to create the workplace environment most conducive to employee satisfaction and success.
Questions are included in areas such as job satisfaction, physical working conditions, peers, supervision and management, diversity, respect and civility, and work-life balance.
Although taking the survey is voluntary, I encourage all employees to complete it. Your answers will be confidential - they will be separated from your sign-in password as the results are aggregated. This will ensure complete privacy. The process should only take about 10 or 15 minutes as you share your perceptions of work life at Berkeley Lab.
This is the first-ever employee survey of its kind here, and we intend to offer it annually in order to track changes from year to year. Professional and administrative staff - career, term or faculty - plus postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and research assistants are urged to participate. We will share the results broadly.
If you want to help us develop Berkeley Lab as the best place to work and to do great science, click here and take the survey. Through June 30, it can also be accessed via the Berkeley Lab home page. Employees without computers will be provided with a location to take the survey.
Thank you for joining me in building a better Berkeley Lab.