11 a.m.
Human Resources
Be Prepared to Lead
Bldg. 2-100B
Employee Activities Association
Yoga with Inna Belogolovsky
Bldg. 70-191
4:30 p.m.
Berkeley Physics Department
Exploring Matter-Antimatter Asymmetries at the B Factories
David MacFarlane, SLAC
1 LeConte Hall (campus)
9 a.m.
EHS 348
Chemical Hygiene & Safety
Bldg. 70A-3377
Impact of the Energy Efficiency Labeling and Standards Program on Room Air-Conditioners in Korea
Jun Choi, Korea Testing Lab
Bldg. 90-3148
1 p.m.
EHS 231
Compressed Gas & Cryogen Safety
Bldg. 70A-3377
1 p.m.
Molecular Foundry
Fabrication of Electrospray Tips for Mass Spectrometry and Gene Delivery Using Silicon Nanowires
Woong Kim
Bldg. 66-316
4 p.m.
Life Sciences
The Role of Suz12 in Modifying Chromatin Structure in Cancer Cells
Peggy Farnham, UC Davis
Bldg. 66 Auditorium
Morning Editions: Eggs, Bacon and French Toast
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Swiss and Avocado Omelette with Hash Browns and Toast
Market Carvery: Pasta Bar with Alfredo or Pesto Sauce
The Fresh Grille: Grilled Ham and Swiss Stacker with Fries and Coleslaw
Menutainment: Pork with Baked Potato and Veggies
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Grants for Energy Use,
Air Quality Study OK'd
The California Energy Commission recently approved two Berkeley Lab Environmental Energy Technologies Division projects that were submitted to the 2005 Environmental Exploratory Grant Program. Approved were Thomas Kirchstetter's "Past, Present and Future Measurement of Black Carbon Particles in the Atmosphere," and Hashem Akbari's "Evaluation of Titanium Dioxide as an Air Pollutant Removing Catalyst." Sponsored by the Public Interest Energy Research Program's Environmental Area Program, the grant will fund research on the relationship between energy use and air quality, and the health benefits of removing pollutants from urban air.
Employee Feedback
Sought at Forum
The second meeting of Berkeley Lab's Employee Forum is this Thursday at noon in Perseverance Hall (Bldg. 54). Among the topics to be covered are the selection of the Lab's next delegate to the Council of University of California Staff Assemblies (CUCSA), the application process for the UC Staff Advisor to the Regents, and an update on the tuition/fee waiver proposal discussed at the recent Regents meeting in San Diego by CUCSA Chair-Elect Bill Johansen (Life Sciences). Also, acting EH&S Director Howard Hatayama will be on hand to hear comments and suggestions for improving safety. For more information, contact Liz Moxon or Carla Garbis.
Space Open
For Three Classes
Enrollment is open for three February classes sponsored by the Berkeley Lab Institute (BLI). Learn more about hiring and processing foreign visitors and employees on Wednesday in a workshop led by Ben Ortega, head of the Lab's International Researchers and Scholars Services. A representative from UC Berkeley's CARE Services stops by the Lab on Wednesday, Feb. 8, to share "Tips for Stress Relief." Both start at 11 a.m. in Building 2-100B. "Four Roles of Leadership" is a daylong class on Feb. 22 at a cost of $95. Go here to register (select "Employees Skills Development" category for the first two classes and "Mgmt/Supervisor Skill Develop" for the third).
At UCSF This
"A Symposium for Women in University Settings" will be held on May 16 and 17 at UC San Francisco's Center for Gender Equity. Invited speakers include University of California Associate President Linda Williams; scholar, activist and author Angela Davis; and California State Senator Jackie Speier. More information on the event is available here.
Registration Open
For UC Science Camp
COSMOS, a University of California math and science residential program for talented teens, takes place July 9 through Aug. 5 this summer. It is geared towards students who enjoy and excel at these subjects. The camps take place at UC's Davis, Irvine, Santa Cruz and San Diego campuses. Students currently completing grades 8-12 are eligible. Application deadline is March 16. Go here for more information.