Today at Berkeley Lab masthead
Monday, January 9, 2006

9:30 a.m.
EHS 275
Confined Space Hazards
Bldg. 70A-3377

11 a.m.
Human Resources
eRoom Basics
Bldg. 2-100B

Yoga Club
Class with Inna Belogolovsky
Bldg. 70-1917

1 p.m.
EHS 274
Confined Space Entry Retraining
Bldg. 70A-3377

2 p.m.
EHS 330
Lead Hazard Awareness
Bldg. 70A-3377


11 a.m.
Human Resources
Be Prepared to Lead
Bldg. 2-100B

4 p.m.
Life Sciences
Signal Transduction Pathways that Regulate Cell Fate in Normal and Cancer Cells
Roya Khosravi-Far, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Bldg. 66 Aud.

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Morning Editions:
Ham and Cheese Omelette with Hash Browns
Tomorrow's Breakfast: French Toast with Bacon
Market Carvery: Teriyaki Chicken Bowl over Rice

The Fresh Grille: Patty Melt with French Fries
Menutainment: Spaghetti with Meat or Marinara Sauce

B'fast: 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Full menu

New NERSC Cluster
Enters Production Today

NERSC logo

The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) will open its newest high performance computing system, an IBM cluster with 888 processors for parallel computing, for production use today. During the acceptance testing, users reported that codes ran from three to 10 times faster on the new cluster, Bassi, than on NERSC’s other IBM supercomputer, Seaborg, leading one tester to call the system the “best machine I have seen.” The system is named for 18th century Italian physicist Laura Bassi. Read more about the system and early scientific results here.


Image of car headlights

Chevron Plans Test
Of Market for Ethanol

Image of car headlights

Chevron Corp. plans to begin selling fuel made mostly from ethanol in California this summer to test demand among motorists who pay the highest gasoline prices in the continental U.S. Chevron, which produces almost a fifth of California's gasoline, will build three filling stations to pump E85, a motor fuel made from 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. Ethanol is a form of alcohol distilled from corn or sugar that can be burned in engines. The Chevron venture will double the number of E85 stations in California, which currently has three E85 stations, one of them at Berkeley Lab. Full story.


Ex-Chancellor Berdahl
To Be New Head of AAU

Image of Robert M. Berdahl

The Association of American Universities (AAU), an association of 62 leading public and private research universities, announced Wednesday the appointment of Robert M. Berdahl, former chancellor of the University of California at Berkeley and former president of the University of Texas at Austin, as its new president. Berdahl will take his new position in the spring, upon completion of a teaching commitment at Berkeley. Full story.


Image of car headlights

'Cancer Pioneer' Bissell
Focus of Times Feature
By Betsy Mason

Image of Mina Bissell

Berkeley Lab life scientist Mina Bissell has become a giant among cancer scientists by pioneering a whole new field of research that she hopes will pave the way for a fresh class of treatment for all cancers. Bissell's breast cancer research holds real hope for taming cancer by changing it from a death sentence to a manageable, chronic disease. "You are not going to eradicate cancer," said Bissell. "But you could keep it in check." Bissell's ideas have gotten her worldwide attention and won millions in research grants. Full story.


It's the Law: Turn On
Lights in Bad Weather

Image of car headlights

Berkeley Lab’s Site Access and Security office reminds employees that every motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, must be operated with headlamps whenever weather conditions prevent a driver from clearly discerning a person or other motor vehicle from a distance of 1,000 feet. Lights are also required when driving in conditions that require windshield wipers to be in continuous use.  For everyone’s safety, be in compliance with the law while operating a motor vehicle on site, and turn on headlights as required. A good rule of thumb: If wipers go on, headlights go on.

Lab, City Running Clubs
Join for Jan. 15 Event

Image of a runner

The Berkeley Lab Outdoors Club will be joining Golden Gate Running Club for their regular Sunday morning run in San Francisco on Jan. 15, meeting at 10 a.m. in front of the Warming Hut near the fishing pier at Crissy Field. Those interested in participating should contact Dinah Levy.

Partly cloudy.
High: 59° (15° C)
IMAGE: Weather icon
Extended Forecast
SECON level 3

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