Particle collision at STAR |
Analyzing STAR Data
Now Much Easier
computerized search technology developed by
John Wu, Arie Shoshani,
and Ekow Otoo of Berkeley Lab's
Scientific Data Management Group makes analyzing
the data collected by the STAR detector at the Relativistic
Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) much easier and more efficient.
The technology, known as the Word-Aligned Hybrid
(WAH) compression method, is described in a paper
recently selected as a "best paper" by the International
Supercomputer Conference. Wu will present the paper
at the conference to be held June 21-24 in Heidelberg,
Germany. Full
JGI Announces 2006
Sequencing Program
JGI will sequence the monkey flower |
Embedded in the language of DNA, the common link among all living things, are lessons for interpreting the complex systems that regulate the health of planet Earth. Now, rounding out this global lesson plan are more than 40 new genome projects, representing a cornucopia of life forms, from the important grain sorghum, to catfish, crustaceans, and a host of extreme lifestyle microbes, slated for DNA sequencing by the Joint Genome Institute (JGI). Full story.
