Opening the Lines
Of Communication
Chu |
With the debut of this column, I hope to expand my lines of communication with employees by initiating a series of efforts that provide opportunities for you to hear from me, and for me to hear from you. I believe that honest, frequent two-way communication at all levels is essential in every successful organization, and Berkeley Lab is no exception. We will continue to hold our quarterly senior managers' "brown bags" at various places on and off the hill, inviting interested employees to have a dialogue with Deputy Director Graham Fleming, Associate Laboratory Director for Operations David McGraw, and me. Our next session will be Friday, July 22 in Building 937-302. Bring your lunch and your questions.
I am also reserving a space in the cafeteria for small group lunches with me each week that my schedule allows. We will rotate invitations through the divisions and departments, and I hope staff from all levels of service will join me to talk about the Lab and our work environment. This column, and a more extensive space in The View, will provide me forums for periodic announcements, key messages, and discussions of issues that I believe are important for all of us to understand. For example, this summer I will share my impressions of the Lab based upon my first year of service as Director.
Finally, we will initiate something this week called "Ask Steve." I want you to e-mail me if you have questions or concerns about anything at the Lab. I can't guarantee I will personally respond to all messages, but I promise to read them all and to provide answers when possible. If the question is relevant to a major portion of the Lab population, we will publish question and answer in Today at Berkeley Lab.
Here is the address: [email protected]. I hope to be hearing from many of you, in person or electronically, in the coming weeks.
