July's a Perfect Time
To Quit Smoking
The Lab's Health Care Facilitator office is using the month of July to remind employees about the health risks of cigarette smoking. Smoking is the single most preventable cause of death. It is never too late to stop smoking, and the moment you do, your body begins to repair itself. Your risk of death from heart disease, stroke, emphysema and several kinds of cancer goes down. A presentation on smoking will be offered on Thursday, July 14, from noon to 1 p.m. in Perseverance Hall. The speaker will be Marcia Brown-Machen, who received her Masters in Public Health from UC Berkeley.
Reminder: Metal Stores
Hours Change Today
The Lab's Metal Stores will now be open from 6 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., starting today. The change was made to coincide with the work hours of crafts groups. For more information, contact Don Prestella (x4224).
Important Deadlines
For Buying Furniture
Employees who are planning to order new furniture with FY05 funds should note that Friday, July 15, is the deadline for orders requiring design work. August 15 is the deadline for non-design orders. Adhering to these deadlines will ensure delivery before Sept. 30 (close of FY2005). Go here for more information.
