7:30 a.m.
Iron Age Shoemobile
Cafeteria Parking Lot
11 a.m.
Magnetization Reversal in Nano-Structured Materials
Erol Girt, Seagate Technology
Bldg. 72-201
1 p.m.
EHS 60
Ergonomic Awareness for Computer Users
Bldg. 51-201
1:30 p.m.
Surface Science and Catalysis
The Electronic Structure Effects in Catalysis
Anders Nilson, SLAC
Bldg. 66 Auditorium
4 p.m.
Precision Electroweak and Top Quark Measurements at the Energy Frontier
Eva Halkiadakis, U. of Rochester
Bldg. 50A-5132
Employee Activities Assoc.
Yoga Class with Naomi Hartwig ($10/$12)
Bldg. 70A-3377
1:30 p.m.
EHS 339
Asbestos Awareness
Bldg. 51-201
2 p.m.
Nanoscale Science & Engineering
Semiconductor Nanowires as Nanolasers
Cun-Zheng Ning, NASA Ames
390 Hearst Mining Bldg.
2:30 p.m.
EHS 345
Chemical Hygiene for Facilities
Bldg. 51-201
Editions: Breakfast Wraps
Tomorrow's Breakfast:
Banana Pancakes with Bacon
Origins: Herb Roasted Beef Tenderloin with Potatoes & Vegetables
The Fresh Grille: Grilled Ham & Cheese Sandwich with Potato Salad
Menutainment: Tuna Casserole & Salad
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
It's Not Too Late
To Get a Flu Shot
shots are still recommended for everyone this season.
Employees who are frequent travelers, especially those
traveling to Asia, are highly encouraged to get flu
shots. Health Services will have a limited supply of
vaccines at no charge to employees. A flu vaccination
clinic will be offered on Thursday, Feb. 10 from 8 a.m.
to noon. Call Health Services at x6266 to schedule an

February Is National
American Heart Month
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, affecting nearly 65 million people. To raise awareness of this potential killer, February has been designated American Heart Month. In conjunction with this campaign, the Lab's Health Care Facilitator has provided some warning signs of heart attacks, which include: chest discomfort that lasts more than a few minutes; shortness of breath; pain in one or both arms, back, neck or jaw; and sweating, nausea or lightheadedness. If you think you're having a heart attack, stop activity, sit down, chew an aspirin (if not allergic) and call 911. Go here for more information.
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