Lab Women's Group
To Meet April 22
The "Women at Berkeley Lab" group is hosting a forum to identify topics and issues of interest on Friday, April 22 from noon to 1 p.m. in the Building 66 Auditorium. The discussion will include a recap of last October's forum on "New Directions: Women of Influence in the National Laboratories." All employees are welcome to attend.
Reserve a Spot Now
For Shank Symposium
Shank |
A symposium honoring former Lab Director Charles Shank will be held Tuesday, May 24. Reservations for the event are required, since space is limited. The daylong program, "Science of the 21st Century," will include a talk by Presidential science advisor John Marburger. The $50 registration fee includes lunch and refreshments. Go here for more information and to register.
'Homestake' Topic
Of Campus Talk Friday
Lesko |
For the next installment in the DUSEL lecture series,
Berkeley Lab nuclear scientist Kevin Lesko
will discuss the "Homestake Underground Laboratory"
tomorrow at 10 a.m. in 127 Dwinelle Hall on campus.
DUSEL, or Deep Underground Science and Engineering
Laboratory, is a project initiated by the National
Science Foundation that will allow scientists to
conduct physics and earth sciences experiments in
a deep and unique environment. For more information,
contact Joe
Wang. Go here
to view webcasts of previous talks (click on DUSEL