Limit Alcoholic Drinks
To Improve Health
The Lab's Health Care Facilitator wants to remind everyone that April is "Alcohol Awareness Month." Incidence of heart disease in those who consume moderate amounts of alcohol (an average of 1 to 2 drinks per day for men and 1 drink per day for women) is lower than that in non-drinkers. However, excess alcohol alters judgment and can lead to dependency and serious health problems. The Lab provides free alcohol and drug counseling through Care Services at UC Berkeley's Tang Center (643-7754).
Upcoming Tree Removal
And Electrical Work
removal activities on McMillian Road will require
both traffic controls and electrical switching on
Tuesday and Wednesday. McMillan road will go to
one lane between Road S and Building 76. Pedestrian
traffic will be rerouted. In conjunction with this
work, precautionary switching will take place on
the 115 KV-12KV system at the Grizzly Substation
on Tuesday. It is unlikely an interruption of power
will occur, but staff should take all necessary
precautions just in case. Contact Bob Berninzoni
(x5576) for information on the tree removal, and
Dennis Nielsen (x4055) for details
on the electrical switching.
Cell Phone Service
Interrupted Today
phone users may experience receptions problems on
the hill today between 2 and 6 p.m. due to maintenance
work. Cingular and AT&T Wireless will be performing
on their site equipment. The upgrades will enhance
9-1-1 service so that rescuers can more easily locate
people during an emergency.
edition of Today at Berkeley Lab listed
the incorrect phone extension in the story on Harry
Reed's assignment as Lab Ombudsman. His correct
phone number is x4130.
