9 a.m.
Washington Projects Office
Update on Molecular Foundry
Mark Alper
Washington D.C.
9:30 a.m.
EHS 275
Confined Space Hazards
Bldg. 51-201
Structural and Chemical Transformation in Nanocrystals
Paul Alivisatos
Bldg. 6-2202
to 1 p.m.
Voter Registration
Cafeteria Lobby
12:15 p.m.
Employee Activities Assoc.
Yoga Class with Chris Hoskins ($10/$12)
Bldg. 70A-3377
Employee Activity Assoc.
Amateur Emergency Radio Group Meeting
Bldg. 48-117
1 p.m.
EHS 274
Confined Space Entry Retraining
Bldg. 51-201
Lab Weight Watchers
General Meeting
Bldg. 26-109
3 p.m.
Some New Ideas on Resonant Inelastic X-ray Spectroscopy
Frank de Groot, Utrecht U.
Bldg. 6-2202
7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Ironage Shoemobile Visit
Cafeteria parking lot
8:30 a.m.
EHS 400
Radiation Protection-Fundamentals
Bldg. 51-201
9:30 a.m.
Development of Simple Data Analysis Software for the
Quantitative Analysis of XPS Spectrum AND Nondipole
Effects in Atomic and Molecular Photoionization
Hamody Hindi and Daniel Rolles
Bldg. 6-2202
11 a.m.
College of Chemistry
Gold Catalyzed Cycloisomerizations and Ring Expansions
Jordan Markham
120 Latimer
1:30 p.m.
Surface Science and Catalysis
The Surface Chemistry of Carbon-Nitrogen Bonds on Pt(111)
Mike Trenary, U. of Illinois
Bldg.66 Auditorium
Editions: Corned Beef Hash, Two Eggs & Toast
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Bagel Sandwich, Ham or Bacon, Eggs & Cheese
Wild Greens: Grilled Chicken & Wild Greens Fajita Salad with Cilantro & Lime Dressing
The Fresh Grille: Roasted Garlic & Herb Burger with Provolone with Twister Fries
Market Carvery: Grilled Indian Spiced Turkey & Zucchini with Tomato-Mango Yogurt Sauce
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Setting a Course
For Energy Efficiency
Xu |
Magazine interviewed Tengfang (Tim) Xu
a researcher in Berkeley Lab's Environmental Energy
Technologies Division on fan filter units for use
in clean rooms. The story appeared in a special report
on the development of FFU testing methods that appeared
in its September issue. As Xu explains, FFUs are smaller,
easier to install, and more portable than traditional
airflow systems for clean rooms. They provide a simple
means of delivering filtered air to environments requiring
high degrees of cleanliness. To read the article, go here.
An article on testing FFUs by Xu appears here.

Budget Cuts
Dulling UC Luster?
By Suzanne Pardington
Jacobson |
University of California has long been considered the
gold standard for American public universities. But
four years of budget cuts may be dulling the university's
luster. "We still have the best students and the
best faculty here, but they don't have the best resources
anymore," said Misha Leybovich, an engineering
physics major at UC Berkeley. For example, the physics
department has replaced human readers with computers
to correct assignments. "The bigger issue is not online
homework but students not being able to enroll in classes
they need," said Bob Jacobson, an associate
physics professor and Berkeley Lab researcher. Full
story (registration required).
Celebrate Autumn Moon Festival With Asian Club
The Berkeley Lab Asian Club will host an Autumn Moon Festival on Thursday, Sept. 23, from 3 to 6 p.m. at Perseverance Hall. The festival is a popular celebration of abundance and togetherness dating back to China's Song Dynasty over 1000 years ago. The event traditionally occurs on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month when the moon is at its fullest and brightest an ideal time to celebrate the summer's harvest and the lore of mythical Moon Goddess Chang O. The entire Lab community is invited. Go here to make a reservation (deadline is Friday).
Plan Rep
Here on Tuesday
representative from the Delta Dental Plan will present
two talks at the Lab next Tuesday. The first takes place
at 12:30 p.m. in the Building 50 Auditorium. The second
will occur at 3 p.m. on the fifth floor of Building
937. Due to limited space in Building 937, reservations
are required. Call x6997 to save a spot.
Action Postponed
voter registration and information activity scheduled
for the noon hour in the Cafeteria lobby has been postponed.
When a new date is determined, it will be announced
in "Today at Berkeley Lab."


Outages on Saturday
Lab telephone system will be upgraded this Saturday, which
will require a Lab-wide loss of dial tone for approximately
3 minutes starting at 7 a.m. At about 9 a.m., Building 937
and the Oakland Scientific Facility will experience an additional
loss of dial tone for less than 2 minutes. The outages and
the restoration of services will be announced on the Hill's
PA system. In the event of an emergency, activate the nearest
fire alarm and wait for emergency personnel. Direct questions
or concerns to Cindy Wood (x4777).
Limit Parking
Glaser Road from Building 79 to the Building 77 stop sign
will be closed for paving. Parking along Building 77 (area
R) will also be unavailable. The road east of Building 77A
will become two-way with flaggers in place to maintain access
to Building 77. The small parking area (N4) north of Building
25A will also be paved on Thursday afternoon and unavailable
for parking after noon. For more information call Steve
Blair at x5927.
Friday, strip parking along Lawrence Road across from and
below the Cafeteria will be paved. Lawrence Road will remain
open with flaggers. Call Steve Blair for additional information.
Friday, perimeter parking in Building 90's lot Cand not
the entire lot as previously announcedwill be closed for
paving. For further information call T. Samatua
at x5611 or (510) 610-3979.