Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Berkeley Lab
Wednesday, September 1, 2004

12:15 p.m.
Employee Activities Assoc.
Yoga Class with Chris Hoskins ($10/$12)
Bldg. 70A-3377

12:30 p.m.
Baryogenesis from the Kobayashi-Maskawa Phase
Tomer Volansky, Weizman Institute of Science
Bldg. 50A-5026


7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Ironage Shoemobile Visit Cafeteria parking lot


Morning Editions: Breakfast Bagel
Tomorrow's Breakfast:
Swiss Cheese, Avocado & Tomato Omelet
Market Carvery:
Beef Carnitas Plate
The Fresh Grille:
Chicken Parmesan Sandwich with 20 oz. Dasani water
Wild Greens:
Grilled Chicken Caesar
Full Meal Deal: New York Deli Burger, Fries, Side Salad, Sherbert Sprite Float & Pie

B'fast: 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Full menu

Desktop Supercomputer
Intriguing, Simon Says


On Monday, Orion Multisystems announced a new desktop workstation computer for users who want more computing power. Orion is building a computer the size of a pizza box, intended for a single engineer or scientist, which will have 12 processors yet consume about the same amount of power as a standard desktop personal computer. "I'm quite intrigued," said Horst Simon, director of Berkeley Lab's National Energy Research Scientific Computer Center. "Orion fills a performance gap between the desktop and departmental computer." Full story (registration required).

Lab, Chu Lure
For Birgeneau

Chu, left, Birgeneau

In a story about Robert Birgeneau's appointment as the new chancellor of UC Berkeley, the Toronto Star reports on how he "rebuffed Berkeley's advances for months until it offered a package deal he couldn't refuse by throwing a Nobel prize-winner and friend into the mix. Just as Berkeley was offering the chancellor's job to Birgeneau, it was offering his friend and Nobel Laureate Steve Chu the chance to run Berkeley Lab. Both men were told the other was being courted. Both took the bait." Full story.


GERT Training Update
Required Every 2 Years

What's the difference between these signs?

All onsite Berkeley Lab employees are reminded that, by DOE regulation and Lab policy, General Employee Radiation Training (GERT) is mandatory. Every two years, retraining is required to be provided to all employees. Employees with internet access can take an online course (EHS 405 GERT). Employees may also review a GERT booklet available through the Radiation Protection Group (x7652), the EHS Training Program office (x2228), or from your Division Safety Coordinator. To receive credit for reading a paper copy, fill out the GERT attendance roster and return it to MS51R-0208. For more details about the process, go here.

L 457(b) Plan Enrollment Will Start Today

Starting today, employees may enroll in the new 457(b) savings plan that effectively doubles the amount of money that may be put into tax advantaged retirement savings. Investment options for the 457(b) plan will initially be limited to the six UC Managed Funds. More investment options will be available mid-2005. Go here for more information.

Shuttle Survey
Deadline Looms

Employees have until Friday to fill out an online survey on the Lab's shuttle bus service. Go here to access the form.


Regarding the story in yesterday's edition of "Today at Berkeley Lab" on free car wash tickets: the tickets are ONLY for government vehicles at the Lab, not personal vehicles. Go here to see the story.

Morning fog, then clearing.
Highs: mid 70s (24° C).

IMAGE: Weather icon

Extended Forecast

SECON level 3

Weather icon

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