Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Berkeley Lab
Tuesday, November 30, 2004

11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Employee Activity Assoc.
Lawrence Hall of Science Gift Fair

Transparent Prices for Municipal Water: The Impact of Pricing and Billing Practices on Residential Water Use
Sylvestre Gaudin, Oberlin College
Bldg. 90-3148

4 p.m.
Life Sciences & Genomics
Ancient Origins—Modern Diseases: A Mitochondrial Connection
Douglas Wallace, UC Irvine
Joint Genome Institute

Physical Chemistry
Calcium Isotopic Variations Due to Geochemical and Biological Processes
Donald DePaolo
120 Latimer Hall, Pitzer Auditorium


11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Employee Activity Assoc.
Lawrence Hall of Science Gift Fair

12:15 p.m.
Employee Activities Assoc.
Yoga Class with Chris Hoskins($10/$12)
Bldg. 70-191

3 p.m.
Phase Transitions, Photofragmentation, and Ultrafast Dynamics: Experiments Using Circularly Polarized X-Rays
Anthony Young
Bldg. 6-2202


Morning Editions: Breakfast Quesadilla with Home Fries
Tomorrow's Breakfast: Breakfast Bagel
Market Carvery: Pasta Bar with Side Salad & Garlic Bread
The Fresh Grille: Grilled Turkey and Jack Cheese Sandwich with Bacon
Fiesta Taco Salad

B'fast: 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Full menu

Bissell Gets Honorary Doctorate in Denmark

Bissell, left, and Queen Margrethe

Mina Bissell, the first biologist and the first woman to hold the rank of Distinguished Scientist at Berkeley Lab, received an honorary doctorate, the Doctor Medicinae Honoris Causa, from the University of Copenhagen. Queen Margrethe of Denmark attended the ceremony and met with Bissell and five other distinguished honorees. Bissell has received numerous honors for her pioneering work in postulating and then establishing the important role of the microenvironment in general and extracellular matrix in particular, in regulation of both normal and malignant cell behavior.

Bailey's Book a 'Must-
Have,' Say Reviewers

The second volume in a two-volume set on experimental math co-authored by David Bailey is so valuable that "every mathematics library requires a copy of this book," according to an online review posted by the American Mathematical Society. The book, "Mathematics by Experiment. Plausible Reasoning in the 21st Century," was co-written with Jonathan Borwein. The book, published this year, is a companion volume to "Experimentation in Mathematics" published in 2003. The full review, which appeared on MathSciNet, can be read here.


Open Enrollment
Ends Today

Employees are reminded that Open enrollment ends today at midnight. Go here to view current enrollments and make changes. Contact the Benefits Department (x6403) for questions.

It's Not Too Late
To Pledge to SHARES

Berkeley Lab's annual community charitable giving campaign, SHARES, officially closed last Wednesday, but the Payroll Office will continue to accept pledges until this Friday. Go here to request a new donation form, or here to donate online. Thanks to all employees who offered gifts in this year's campaign.

Science Museum Gift
Fair at the Lab

The Lawrence Hall of Science Museum Store will hold a gift fair at the Lab today and tomorrow in the cafeteria lobby from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. A free "Science is Sweet Chocolate Coin" will be awarded for purchases over $50.


Cosmic Question: Will
Universe Crunch? Split?

They say academic arguments are so vicious because the stakes are so low, but Andrei Linde and Paul Steinhardt are arguing about something huge, something truly cosmic: the fate of the universe. Linde and Steinhardt are two of the premier cosmologists of America and, as far as we know, of this sector of the Milky Way galaxy. They study the origin, structure and destiny of the universe, all the classic 3-in-the-morning dorm-room questions that threaten to blow your mind. How big is the universe? Is it infinite or finite, and if it's finite, where's the edge? How did it begin? What will happen to it? Why does anything exist at all? Full story.

Mostly sunny and cool.
Highs: mid 50s (13° C).

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SECON level 3

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