9 a.m.
EHS 280
Laser Safety Bldg. 51-201
Employee Activities Assn.
Yoga Class with Chris Hoskins
Bldg. 90-3148
1 p.m. Scientific Computing
Designing a Nearly Optimal Eigensolver for Symmetric Problems Under Memory Constraints
Andreas Stathopoulos, College of William and Mary
1:30 p.m.
EHS 276
Fall Protection Safety
Bldg 51-201
9 a.m.
EHS 400
Radiation Protection Fundamentals
Bldg. 51-201
Designing and Implementing an Award-Winning Energy Management Program at the USPS
Bill Golove
Bldg. 90-3148
1 p.m.
Water Utility Demand Management and the Financial, Social and Environmental Drivers
Allan Dietemann, Seattle Public Utilities
Bldg. 90-4133
Morning Editions: Banana Pancakes
with Two Eggs and Sausage
Origins: Veal Picatta with Pasta Alfredo and Steamed Vegetables
Fresh Grille: Cajun Sausage Sandwich, Peppers, Onions, & Pepper Jack
Menutainment: Chicken & Broccoli Pasta Toss with Choice of Sauce
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
menu |
UC Receives Most
Patents in 2003
the 10th consecutive year, the University of California
is the leader among the nation's universities in developing
new patents, according to a report by the U.S. Patent
and Trademark Office. In 2003, UC recorded a total of
439 patents. For the same year, Berkeley Lab recorded
22 domestic patents. Go here
to read UC's press release, and here
to see the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's announcement.
Benson |
Underground Project
for Cleaner Air
by Gary Polakovic
deep underground, ambitious experiment -- called the
Weyburn Project -- is underway in the Saskatchewan prairie
to determine whether carbon dioxide can be safely buried.
If so, carbon sequestration could be a way to reduce
one of the biggest contributors to global warming. "When
I first heard about this, my reaction was, 'Wow, this
is really nuts,'" said Berkeley Lab Deputy Director
Sally Benson . Full
story (registration required).

From Space, A New
View of Doomsday
by Dennis Overbye
Perlmutter |
upon a time, if you wanted to talk about the end of
the universe you had a choice: either the universe would
collapse under its own weight in a fiery "big crunch,"
or the galaxies, now flying outward from each other,
would go on coasting outward forever. Now there is the
Big Rip, one of a constellation of doomsday possibilities
resulting from the discovery by two teams -- one of
which was lead by Berkeley Lab's Saul Perlmutter
-- of astronomers that a mysterious force
called dark energy seems to be wrenching the universe
apart. Full
story (registration required).
Sunflower System
Down for Upgrades
Sunflower Asset Management System will be offline for
a major upgrade this week. Berkeley Lab Property Management
is replacing the old client server system with a web-based
version that promises to be faster and friendlier for
users to enter transaction data and access reports.
For information, contact Carol
