10:30 a.m.
Pulsed Power: Switches, Physics, and Two Diverse Applications
Martin Gundersen, USC
Bldg. 47 conference room
11 a.m.
College of Chemistry
Enones as Latent Enolates in Catalysis: Discovery and Development
of Catalytic C-C Bond Forming Hydrogenations
Michael Krische, U. of Texas
120 Latimer Hall
Employee Activities Assn.
Yoga Class with Maya Smith
Bldg. 54-Downstairs conference room
4 p.m.
Physics Division
Recent Results From the Dark Matter Search at Edelweiss
Philippe Di Stefano
Bldg. 50A-5132
Life Sciences
Huntington Willard Duke University
Genomic and Functional Annotation of Human Centromeres
Bldg 66 Auditorium
College of Chemistry
Some Interesting Shape-Dependent Properties of Material
Confined in Space to the Nanometer Length Scale
Mostafa El-Sayed, Georgia Institute of Technology
120 Latimer Hall
9 a.m.
EHS 280
Laser Safety
Bldg. 51-201
Employee Activities Assn.
Yoga Class with Chris Hoskins
Bldg. 90-3148
1:30 p.m.
EHS 276
Fall Protection Safety
Bldg 51-201
4 p.m.
College of Chemistry
A Theoretical Investigation of Dendritic Deposits in
Lithium/Polymer Systems
Chuck Monroe, UC Berkeley
120 Latimer Hall
Markey Carvery: Spicy Vegetable &
Tofu Stir-Fry Rice Bowl
Fresh Grille: New York Deli Burger
with Potato Salad
Menutainment: Fiesta Taco Salad with
Ground Turkey
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
menu |
History Month
Talk on Minority Outreach
Bagayoko |
Bagayoko, of Southern University in Baton Rouge, LA,
will present a talk on “A Systemic Approach to
Mentoring and Outreach: The Models of the Timbuktu Academy
and of PIPELINES.” The event is sponsored by the
General Sciences Workplace Committee and was scheduled
to honor Black History Month. Bagayoko is the recipient
of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science,
Math, and Engineering Mentoring. The talk begins at
noon in the Building 50 Auditorium on Monday, Feb. 23.
Gundersen |
Martin Gundersen
Explores Pulsed Power
a lecture sponsored by the Accelerator and Fusion Research
Division, Martin Gundersen, professor of electrical engineering
and physics at USC, will discuss “Pulsed Power:
Switches, Physics, and Two Diverse Applications.”
The event begins at 10:30 a.m. today in the Building 47
conference room. This talk will describe academic research
into pulsed power switching, which is a key to compact
pulsed power, and two new applications, to ignition, and
to biology.