Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Berkeley Lab
Tuesday, February 10, 2004


7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Ironage Shoemobile Visit
cafeteria parking lot

8 a.m.
Human Resources
New Employee Orientation
Bldg. 66 Auditorium

8:30 a.m.
Earth Sciences
Symposium on Dynamics of Fluids in Fractured Rock
various locations

9 a.m.
EHS 278
Ladder Safety
Bldg. 51-201

9:10 a.m.
EHS 10
Introduction to ES&H at LBNL
Bldg. 50 auditorium

1:30 p.m.
EHS 256
Bldg. 51-201

Employee Activities Assn.
Yoga Class With Maya Smith
Bldg. 70A-3377

4 p.m.
Life Sciences
Highjacking the Mismatch Repair System: the Genetic Mechanism Underlying Pathophysiology of Huntington's Disease
Cynthia McMurray
Bldg. 66 Auditorium


8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Employee Activities Assn.
Gold Jewelry Sale

American Red Cross
Blood Drive
Bldg. 70A-3377

8:30 a.m.
Earth Sciences
Symposium on Dynamics of Fluids in Fractured Rock
various locations

9 a.m.
EHS 276
Fall Protection Safety
Bldg. 51-201

11 a.m.
EHS 123
Adult CPR
Bldg. 48-109

Employee Activities Assn.
Yoga Class with Chris Hoskins
Bldg. 70-191

1 p.m.
EHS 116
First Aid Safety
Bldg. 48-109

3 p.m.
Search of Room Temperature Ferromagnetic Semiconductors in Doped In2O3
Young K. Yoo, Intematrix Corporation
Bldg. 6-2202

Markey Carvery: Lasagna with Salad & Garlic Bread
Fresh Grille: Grilled Turkey & Jack Sandwich with Fries
Menutainment: Fiesta Taco Salad
B'fast: 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Full menu

IMAGE: Nature
Household Chores
Kick Up a Dust Storm
By Michael Hopkin

IMAGE:  Mark Sippola

Simply walking around your home can increase your exposure to particulate pollution, research reveals. The study measured the amount of dust kicked up by household activities such as walking, dancing, making a bed and vacuum cleaning. "You're pulling small particles out of the carpet, through the vacuum cleaner's filter, into your air and into your lungs," explains Mark Sippola, an environmental engineer at Berkeley Lab. So how do you keep exposure to a minimum? Full story.

IMAGE: AIP banner
DOE Science Budget
Request Up 2 Percent

A total of $3.431 billion was requested for the Department of Energy's Office of Science in President Bush's FY 2005 budget request. This represents a reduction of 2percent, or $68.5 million, from FY04 funding of $3.5 billion. However, according to DOE Science Director Ray Orbach, the cut reflects the elimination of $140.7 million in congressionally-directed earmarks, making the request an actual increase of 2.2 percent, or $72.3 million, over FY04 in core programs. Read the American Institute of Physics analysis here.


IMAGE: birthday cake

‘Today at Berkeley Lab’
Has First Anniversary

The daily e-newsletter “Today at Berkeley Lab” passed a significant milestone last week when it published its 150th issue on Feb. 4, a day after its one-year anniversary. On this occasion, TABL would like to thank the employees whose creativity and dedication have contributed to its development and success, including: Cheryl Ventimiglia, Caitlin Youngquist, Eva Cohen and Erik Richman of Technical and Electronic Information; Gayle Peuser and Michelle Dunleavy of Information Systems and Services; Ed Ritenour, Ken Berg and Linda Smith of Networking and Telecommunications; and Pam Patterson, Lyn Hunter, Ron Kolb, and Dan Krotz of the Communications Department.


Confab on Fractured Rock
Fluid Dynamics at Lab

IMAGE: rock formation

The Earth Science Division is hosting a three-day symposium on “Dynamics of Fluids in Fractured Rock,” beginning today through Wednesday. According to program information, “The challenge of adequately characterizing fluid flow and chemical transport in fractured media is a formidable one for geoscientists and engineers. Understanding this is crucial for the exploitation of petroleum and geothermal reservoirs, the management of contaminated groundwater, and the isolation of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel in underground repositories.” Go here for more information.


IMAGE: Stephen Johnson
City of Oakland's Scott
Wentworth (L), Johnson (R)

EETD Scientist Gets
Grant for Research

Stephen Johnson, of EETD’s Lighting Research Group, recently received a check from the City of Oakland’s Public Works Department to quantify the amount of savings between high-efficiency electronic street-lighting ballasts and the magnetic ballasts that are currently used. Testing will be performed on life-test racks that approximate real-life conditions for streetlights. Johnson is optimistic the high-efficiency electronic ballasts will extend the lifetime of the lamps by as much as 5 percent while reducing electricity usage and maintenance.

IMAGE: hot rod

William Harris
Retirement Party

After 33 years of helping ensure that some of the world’s fastest supercomputers are up and running, William Harris has retired and will now put his energy into his two fast cars. Harris will be feted with a BBQ lunch at the Oakland Scientific Center on Thursday, Feb. 19. Reservations are due by tomorrow. Contact Yeen Mankin for details. Go here to read more about Harris’ career at Berkeley Lab and LLNL.


Sunny, windy in the hills.
Highs: upper 50s (14° C).

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SECON level 3

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