Today at Berkeley Lab nameplate Berkeley Lab
Monday, August 16, 2004

10:30 a.m.
EHS 60
Ergo Awareness for Computer Users
Bldg. 51-20


8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Employee Activities Association
Karats 14K Gold Jewelry Sale

10 a.m.
EHS 20
EHS for Supervisors
Bldg. 51-201

11 a.m.
EHS 22
Ergo for Supervisors
Bldg. 51-201

11:30 a.m.
Ergonomics Fair
Cafeteria lawn

3:30 p.m.
ALS Special Seminar
Radiation Damage: Is there a Cure?
Ray Egerton, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Bldg. 6-2202 conference room

5 p.m.
Computational Research
Mars Rover Screening
Chip Smith
Bldg. 50B-1211


Morning Editions: Ham and Cheese Omelet with Hashbrowns
Tomorrow's Breakfast:
Breakfast Quesadilla with Home Fries
Market Carvery:
Chicken or Cheese Enchiladas with Refried Beans, Rice, & 16 oz. Agua Fresca
The Fresh Grille:
Grilled Chicken Bacon Sandwich with Avocado
Cobb Salad Toss

B'fast: 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Full menu

The Carbon Conundrum:
Sequestering ‘Promising’
By Robert F. Service


Even if the hydrogen economy were technically and economically feasible today, weaning the world off carbon-based fossil fuels would still take decades. During that time, carbon combustion will continue to pour greenhouse gases into the atmosphere--unless scientists find a way to reroute them. Governments and energy companies around the globe have launched numerous large-scale research and demonstration projects to capture and store, or sequester, unwanted carbon dioxide. Although final results are years off, so far the tests appear heartening. "It seems to look more and more promising all the time," says Sally Benson, a hydrogeologist (and Deputy Director) at Berkeley Lab. "For the first time, I think the technical feasibility has been established." No link available.

Binding site where epothilone A interacts with key protein

Emory Maps Anti-Cancer
Molecule; Lab Assists

Scientists at Emory University, in collaboration with researchers at three national laboratories — including Berkeley Lab — have solved the structural puzzle of how an emerging class of promising cancer drugs work to halt cell division. The discovery potentially opens the door to the creation of more effective cancer treatments. The results, reported in the Aug. 6 issue of the journal Science, include the first three-dimensional, atomic-scale images of the binding site where one of the drugs, epothilone A, interacts with a key protein controlling cell division. To build the model, the Emory team used diffraction data gathered from an electron microscope at Berkeley Lab. Full story.

Windows XP Service
Pack 2 Available Today

The Service Pack 2 for Windows XP will be distributed to U.S. customers via their automatic Windows update feature today. ITSD, following the lead of other organizations like IBM, has decided to implement a Microsoft solution to temporarily block this update for customers using Novell or Windows Active Directory. If you have any questions, please call the HelpDesk at x 4357. After ITSD completes testing on these systems, the block will be reversed.


Here Comes the 10th
Annual Ergonomics Fair

Berkeley Lab will hold its 10th Annual Ergonomics Fair tomorrow and Wednesday outside the Cafeteria from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The event is an opportunity for employees to stop by and visit with various vendors to see the latest ergonomics furniture, accessories, tools and pipettes. Get information about ways to minimize the risk of repetitive motion injuries in the office, laboratory and shop. Visit all the exhibits and qualify for raffle prize drawings. For more information, contact Jeffrey Chung at x5818 or [email protected]. Note: Parking in the cafeteria lot will be limited because 20 spaces will be reserved for the fair, both tomorrow and Wednesday

Karats Jewelry Sale
In Cafeteria Tomorrow

Employees can purchase bracelets, rings, necklaces and other quality jewelry items from Karats tomorrow in the cafeteria from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Cash, checks and credit cards are accepted for payment. Lab employees receive an additional 10% discount. The event is sponsored by the Lab's Employee Activities Association.

Grizzly Sub Maintenance
Begins Today

Facilities electricians will switch all Lab loads to Grizzly Substation Bank 2 while they carry out maintenance on Bank 1 equipment today. The Lab will remain on Bank 2 until maintenance is completed next week. The switching will be transparent to the Lab community and it is highly unlikely that an interruption of power will occur, however, the possibility always exists. Employees should take all necessary precautions. A hill-wide public addres announcement will be made prior to switching. For additional information, contact Jim Murphy at x4175 or Mahesh Gupta at x5220.

Morning fog, then clearing.
Highs: low 70s (21° C).

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Extended Forecast

SECON level 3

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