Beam Physics
Particle Accelerators for Radiotherapy
Richard Sah, Siemens
Bldg. 71-264
Employee Activities Assoc.
Yoga Class with Naomi Hartwig
Bldg. 70A-3377 or 70-191
Physical Chemistry
Pushing the Limits with Nanoliter Volume NMR
Jonathan Sweedler, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
D-64 Hildebrand Hall
4 p.m.
Inorganic Chemistry
Titanium Catalyzed C-N and C-C Bond Forming Reactions Based
on Hydroamination
Aaron Odom, Michigan State
120 Latimer Hall, Pitzer Aud.
Employee Activities Assoc.
Yoga Class with Keith Olson
Bldg. 70A-3377
Morning Editions: Two Eggs with Biscuits
& Gravy
Market Carvery: BBQ Chicken Breast
with Baked Beans & Corn on the Cob
Fresh Grille: Reuben Sandwich with
Garlic Fries
Killer Burrito! Chicken or Pork
Meal Deal: Cordon Blue Burger, Fries, Side Salad, Raspberry
Sprite Float & Pie
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Saving Time Begins Sunday
Saving Time begins this Sunday at 2 a.m. Clocks are
turned forward one hour, effectively moving an hour
of daylight from the morning to the evening. Enjoy.

Fact Sheet Offers
Info on Pension Benefits
the intent to have open competition for management contracts
of its three Department of Energy labs was announced,
the University of California has received questions
from employees about the eventual status of their retirement
benefits. UC has compiled helpful information on this
issue in a two-page fact sheet. “Current UC employees
may reasonably expect that, in the event the University
does not run the labs in the future, vested rights will
be fully honored,” it states. Go here
to read the fact sheet.
Cafeteria Parking Limited
By Guardrail Work
tomorrow, some parking spaces will be barricaded on
the north side of the Cafeteria parking lot so that
the guard rail can be replaced. Work is expected to
be complete on Tuesday, April 6. Please be careful when
walking or driving near the work area. Contact Mike
Elizalde at x6021 for information.

New Computer Protection
Quarterly Now on Line
April issue of Computer Protection Quarterly, the Lab’s
cyber security publication, is now on line here.
This edition includes tips on alerting the Computer
Protection Program (CPP) on spam and suspicious emails
and checking for vulnerabilities in your system, such
as spyware. There are also tips on how to set up your
system to make it as secure as possible, and upcoming
security courses. The quarterly is produced by the CPP
in the Information Technologies and Services Division.
