a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Ironage Shoemobile
Cafeteria parking lot
Administrative Services Department
Audio and Video Conferencing Capabilities at LBNL
Networking and Telecommunications group
Perseverance Hall
Chemical Sciences Graduate Research Seminar
Synthetic Applications of Catalytic Imine-Directed C-H
Bond Activation
Rebecca Wilson, with Robert Bergman and Jon Ellman
120 Latimer Hall, Pitzer Aud.
Nuclear Theory Lecture Series on Cosmology
Cosmology, a Primer (an informal history of the universe)
Norman K. Glendenning
Perseverance Hall
Surface Science and Catalysis
Bridging the Liquid Gap: In-Situ Vibrational Spectroscopy
of Solid-Liquid Catalytic Interfaces
Christopher Williams, U. of South Carolina
66 Auditorium
Physical Biosciences
X-ray Tomography and Quantum Dots: New Tools for Cell and
Molecular Biology
Carolyn Larabell
Calvin Lab Seminar Room
Chemical Sciences Graduate Research Conference
Structural Analysis of the Archaeal Clamp Loader-Clamp
Randall McNally, with John Kuriyan
120 Latimer Hall, Pitzer Aud.
Division Research Progress Meeting
Rare Vector-Vector B Decays: A New Approach to Alpha and
New Physics
Andrei Gritsan
Bldg. 50A-5132
10:30 a.m.
Beam Physics
Particle Accelerators for Radiotherapy
Richard Sah, Siemens
Bldg. 71-264
Employee Activities Assoc.
Yoga Class with Naomi Hartwig
Bldg. 70A-3377 or 70-191
1 p.m.
Physical Chemistry
Pushing the Limits with Nanoliter Volume NMR
Jonathan Sweedler, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
D-64 Hildebrand Hall
4 p.m.
Inorganic Chemistry
Titanium Catalyzed C-N and C-C Bond Forming Reactions
Based on Hydroamination
Aaron Odom, Michigan State
120 Latimer Hall, Pitzer Aud.
Morning Editions: Chorizo Scramble
with Flour Tortilla & Home Fries
Market Carvery: Roast Leg of Lamb
with Garlic Potatoes & Vegetable
Fresh Grille: Grilled Chicken Sandwich
with Bacon & Corn Relish
Baked Pasta Casserole, Caesar Salad & Garlic Bread
Meal Deal: Chili Cheeseburger, Onion Rings, Side Salad,
Coke & Pie
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Completes Sequence
For Chromosome 19
Joint Genome Institute (JGI) and Stanford University
report today the completion of the sequencing of human
Chromosome 19, the most gene-rich of all the human chromosomes.
This achievement is described in the April 1 edition
of the journal Nature. Chromosome 19, at 55.8
million bases or letters of genetic code, includes genes
that code for such diseases as insulin-dependent diabetes,
myotonic dystrophy, migraines and familial hypercholesterolemia
(high levels of cholesterol in the blood) that increases
the risk of cardiovascular disease. Full

and Sons’ Day
Needs Woman Volunteers
year’s “Daughters and Sons to Work Day”
at Berkeley Lab on April 22 will include career fairs
for boys and girls presented by women staffers. Volunteers
from all job categories are encouraged to address morning
or afternoon one-hour sessions and demonstrate the nature
of their work. For details and registration, contact
Rollie Otto at x5325 or Joe Crippen at
X5816. Go here
for more information on the program.

Review and Update Your
Beneficiary Plans On-line
your beneficiary designations current? You can now view
and designate your beneficiaries on-line via the “Your
Benefits Online” link on UC’s At
Your Service website. The feature will allow you
to designate or change beneficiaries for the following
plans: UC retirement (UCRP) contributions/CAP; Defined
Contribution; Tax Deferred 403(b); Basic and Core, Supplemental,
and Senior Management life insurance; Accidental Death
and Dismemberment (AD&D), and Employee Travel Accident
Wheelchair Lift Back;
For Handicap Use Only
Handicap/Wheelchair lift at the cafeteria is back in
operation. Employees are reminded that use of this lift
is for disabled or wheelchair-transported individuals
only and should not be used for the transportation of
equipment or trash barrels.

Paclitaxel Analog
Kills More Cancer Cells
multi-university research team has succeeded in enhancing
the structure of paclitaxel (Taxol™) to make it
more effective in killing cancer cells. Having determined
how paclitaxel fits into a cancer cell’s reproductive
machinery, the team is optimistic that simpler molecules
can be designed as future medicines. Paclitaxel binds
to tubulin via a binding pocket in the protein into
which part of the paclitaxel molecule fits. This binding
pocket has been visualized by some elegant electron
crystallography experiments carried out by scientists
at Berkeley Lab. (Nogales et al., Cell, 1999, 96, 79).
story. A report on the Lab’s original tubulin
imaging work can be read here.

Building Trend
Growing in State
Paul Rogers
summer night in a basement in Menlo Park, six huge stainless
steel machines crank out ice while the Bay Area sleeps.
A popular restaurant? A swank hotel? No. It's the cutting
edge of environmentally friendly architecture. The ice
system is a centerpiece of the William and Flora Hewlett
Foundation's new headquarters, which was recently certified
as one of California's growing examples of "green
building." A study in October, which included Berkeley
Lab, found that constructing a certified green building
costs on average about 2 percent more, but that the
extra cost yields a tenfold savings over 20 years. Full
