2 p.m.
Center for Beam Physics
Building a Non-Linear Map for an RF Gap
Dan Abell, Tech-X Corp.
Bldg. 71-264
4:30 p.m.
Physics Department
Fossil Fuels in a Greenhouse-Constrained World
Robert Socolow, Princeton U.
1 LeConte Hall
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Open Enrollment
Computer Lab Assistance
Bldg. 51L
4 p.m.
Life Sciences Division
Electron Tomography: Towards Visualizing Molecular Architecture
Inside Cells
Wolfgang Baumeister, Max-Planck Institute
Bldg. 66 Auditorium
9:10 a.m.
EHS 10
Introduction to ES&H
Bldg. 50 Auditorium
Market Carvery: Beef Stroganoff with
Carrots, Peas & Pasta
Fresh Grille: Double Bleu Cheese Bacon
Burger with Roasted Garlic
Menutainment: Shepherd’s Pie
Dinner: Choice of Roasted Lemon Herb Chicken; Beef Stroganoff
with Two Sides; or Shepherd’s Pie
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Dinner: |
- 7 p.m. |
National Security
Labs Board
part of its ongoing commitment to sustain and
strengthen management practices at the two UC-managed
national security laboratories, the University
of California Board of Regents voted Thursday
to create a National Security Laboratories Board
of Directors. The board will have broad powers
and report to the regents. "The (board) will
bring a breadth of strong expertise to the oversight
of the weapons laboratories," said UC President
Robert C. Dynes. This and other items, including
a story about Berkeley Lab research on commercial
building energy, is in the latest edition of UC’s
LabUPDATE. Read it here.


Controls Include
E-Waste Pick-Ups
transportation drivers will pick up and move just
about anything, but not hazardous waste, and that
includes electronic wastes (like computer monitors
and computers, televisions and oscilloscopes).
That’s a job for the trained staff in Environment,
Health and Safety. Effective Dec. 8, a form will
be e-mailed to employees to complete prior to
any pickup requested from Transportation. The
addition of e-waste this year to the hazardous
list means that things like damaged monitors should
not be left lying around on lab property. Go here
to learn more about this program.

is Coming:
Are You Prepared?
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) personnel will visit the Lab Jan. 12-23
to conduct a site-wide audit. Inspectors will
visit all laboratories and mechanical rooms. During
their walk-throughs, audit teams may interview
Lab employees to assess their understanding of
environment, health, and safety programs. In preparation
for the OSHA visit, EH&S will make available
periodic surveys for employees to test and enhance
their knowledge in health hazard communication,
chemical and electrical safety, and general workplace
safety. These will appear in future editions of
“Today at Berkeley Lab.”
left: Deb Hopkins, Piermaria Oddone, Cheryl
Fragiadakis |
Society are Honored
Friday, Director Charles Shank presented
16 Lab employees with Technology Transfer Awards.
The honor recognizes inventors and their technologies,
which by virtue of being transferred, bring benefit
to society. This year’s list includes aerosol-sealant
systems, an energy efficient fume hood, and an
in-vivo biomarker for cell senescence. Go here
to see a complete list of winners and their technologies.
Open Enrollment
Nears the End
Lab’s Benefits Office would like to remind
employees that Open Enrollment — which is
the only opportunity each year to make changes
to healthcare plans — ends on Sunday, Nov.
30, at midnight. Those needing assistance using
the new online system can visit the computer lab
in Building 51L between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. tomorrow,
and receive help from benefits staff.
Science Museum
Gift Fair at the Lab
a head start on holiday gift buying by attending
a gift fair at the Lab on Tuesday, Dec. 2, and
Wednesday, Dec. 3, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in
the cafeteria. The fair features items from the
Lawrence Hall of Science’s museum store.
Educational toys, kits, and gifts for all ages
will be featured. A free Sunprint Kit will be
given for each purchase over $50.

2003 |
Throughout the month of November, employees can go here
to donate to their favorite charity, through the Lab’s
SHARES program.