February 11, 2003, the California Department of Toxic Substances
Control (DTSC) issued regulations for the management of electronic
wastes (e-waste) including waste cathode ray tubes (CRTs) such
as computer monitors, televisions, cash registers and oscilloscopes;
and waste consumer electronic devices (CEDs) such as computers,
computer peripherals, telephones, stereo equipment, tape player/recorders,
video cassette players/recorders, compact disc players/recorders,
calculators, etc.
Transportation drivers will pick up and move just about anything,
but NOT hazardous waste. That’s a job for EH&S trained
staff with the equipment and know-how to handle hazardous
materials. Effective Dec. 8, 2003, the form on this
link will be e-mailed to you for any pickup requested
from Transportation. Someone knowledgeable about the contents
of the materials being moved must complete the form and e-mail
it back to Transportation before the move can be completed.
Now that E-waste has been added to the list of asbestos,
oil, chemicals, radioactive and other hazardous materials,
it is not okay to leave monitors lying around, particularly
if they are damaged. See the EH&S
What’s New page for information on what to do and
who to call for no-cost help with E-waste
For more information about E-waste…The California Integrated
Waste Management Board discusses hazardous e-waste and California
SB 20, the Electronic Waste Recycling Act of 2003, here.