1 p.m.
Chemistry Seminar
Towards Electronic Structure Theory of Subchemical Accuracy
Edward F. Valeev, Georgia Institute of Technology
2 p.m.
Safety Forum
50 Auditorium
4 p.m.
Structural and Quantitative Biology Seminar
TNF-alpha Converting Enzyme: Biogenesis, Activation and
Substrate Recognition
Marcos Milla, University of Pennsylvania
775 Tan Hall, campus
4 p.m.
ALS Special Seminar
ARPES studies of sodium purple bronze and the surface state
of the sqrt(3) reconstruction of SiC(0001)
Per-Anders Glans, Brookhaven National Lab
4:30 p.m.
Physics Colloquium
P.A.M. Dirac and the Invention of Quantum Mechanics
Kurt Gottfried, Cornell
1 Le Conte Hall, campus
Traffic Safety Displays
Cafeteria Lobby
Environmental Energy Technologies Seminars
Electrically Conductive Polymers for Energy Conversion
Gao Liu, Electricochemical Technologies Group, AETD
4 p.m.
Life Sciences Seminar
Mechanisms of Estrogen Action in Brain: Implications
for Memory Function and Prevention of Degenerative Disease
Roberta Diaz Brinton, University of Southern California
66 Auditorium
Soup: Vegetarian Minestrone
Origins: Pork Loin
Adobe Cafe: Chicken Jmblaya
Fresh Grille: Turkey Burger
B'fast: |
6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Menu |
Week Dedicated
To Traffic Safety on Hill
citations and complaints have been increasing at Berkeley
Lab, so safety officials are taking the opportunity
during National Traffic Safety Month to raise the awareness
of drivers and bicyclists on the Hill about the need
to slow down and respect traffic signs. Everyone who
comes to the Lab tomorrow in a vehicle will receive
a brochure on traffic safety. And tomorrow and Wednesday,
lab officials and police officers will be in the Cafeteria
lobby during lunch hours with displays highlighting
traffic policies and site speed limits. |
Say Planting
Trees is a Cool Idea
By Jeffery
C. Mays
Akbari |
a long time, city dwellers have said that urban blocks are
hotter than suburban areas, and planners, scientists and environmentalists
have advocated trees as a way to cool those same smoldering
blocks. Now, using Newark and Camden, N. J., as examples,
a study from researchers at NASA's Goddard Institute and Montclair
State University has provided data to back both commonly held
beliefs. (Berkeley Labs Hashem Akbari, an expert
quoted in the story, says, "Trees do not really cool
as much as they don't let the air heat. One tree would not
bring much cool
But many trees have the potential of
creating an urban forest that can reduce temperatures by 3
or 4 degrees.") Full
story. |
User Building
Passes Key Hurdle A
proposed User Support Building, to be located next to the
Advanced Light Source, has passed the Department of Energy
milestone called Critical Decision 0 (CD-0). This authorizes
the project to proceed to the conceptual design phase and
request project engineering and design funding. Construction
would involve the demolition of Building 10 on the southwest
side of the ALS, with a new building twice its size. The building
would include a high bay for the assembly of experimental
apparatus, a seminar room, modern analytical laboratories,
and office space. Users at the National Center for Electron
Microscopy (NCEM) and the proposed Molecular Foundry could
also use the building. |
ASD at Safety Forum A
series of presentations on workplace injuries, in particular
those that occur at the desk or in the office, will be presented
today in a one-hour Safety Forum for Laboratory Directorate,
Operations (Human Resources and Financial Services), and Administrative
Services personnel. Although the 2 p.m. program in the Building
50 Auditorium is not mandatory for employees in those areas,
all are encouraged to attend and get their questions answered.
The forum will be videotaped for later viewing by those unable
to participate. For questions, call Sharllen Lee at 2421. |
Pumps Down
For Vapor Testing This
Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., the dispensing fuel pumps at
the Building 76 motor pool will be out of service. During that
time, required testing will be conducted on the pump's vapor
recovery system for the Bay Area Air Quality Management District.
Those requiring fuel are encouraged to fill up vehicles before
Wednesday. Questions can be addressed to Fleet Operations at
5475. |
Wave Returns
To Lab Tomorrow
Java Wave coffee and snack van will be making its rounds again
tomorrow following a week-long vacation. The delivery schedule
is as follows:
65: |
8-8:15 a.m. |
88: |
1:30-1:45 p.m. |
90: |
12:55-1:25 p.m. |
Bldg. 84: |
10:15-10:45 a.m.
12:30-12:45 p.m. |
76: |
a.m. |
69: |
a.m. |
66: |
a.m. |