11:30 p.m.
SEMINAR: Surface Science And Catalysis Series,
Polyelectrolytes and Polyelectrolyte-Surfactant
Complexes A Surface Force and Scattering
Study. Per Claesson, Royal Technical University,
Building 66 Auditorium
4 p.m.
PROGRESS MEETING: Physics Division, TBA.
Michael Sokoloff, University of Cincinnati
Building 50A, Room 5132
9 a.m. - noon
First Aid Safety
Building 48-109
EH&S class schedule
Environmental Engineering Seminar Series.
River Restoration In California: Observations
On Project Performance, G. Mathias Kondolf,
Hudson Room, 240 Bechtel Engineering Center
Soup: Beef Barley
Origins: Roasted Chicken
Adobe Cafe: Szechwan Vegetable
& Tofu Stir Fry
Fresh Grille: Steak Sandwich
B'fast: |
a.m. - 9:30 a.m. |
Lunch: |
a.m. - 1:30 p.m. |
Menu |
Mostly sunny.

In Traveling Exhibit
photo collage of microorganisms present in Columbia River
basalts (above) representing research conducted by Hoi-Ying
Holman of Earth Sciences at the infrared beamline
of the Advanced Light source, is among the featured photographs
in an exhibition of scientific photography, Images
from Science. Technical and Electronic Information
Department Photographer Roy Kaltschmidts
image is among those assembled by the Rochester Institute
of Technology for display there and in exhibitions in
Chicago, the University of Tulsa, the New York Hall of
Science, and the University of Arizona. There may also
be a West Coast appearance. |
Family Care Proposal
Adds Domestic Partners
Modification to Family Care and Medical Leave Policy
The Laboratory proposes to modify its personnel policy
by revising 2.13(B) (Family Care and Medical Leave -
FMLA) by adding same- or opposite-sex domestic partners
to the list of individuals requiring care for whom an
employee may request FMLA. This change will conform
Laboratory FMLA policy to UC Staff policy. These changes
affect non-represented employees only. Represented employees
should review their union agreements or contact their
union representatives for information regarding their
situation. Full text of the policy can be found here.
Those who wish to comment on this change must do so
by e-mail or in writing by April 7 to Mary Bishop,
Policies Analyst, at 937R0600, or [email protected].
Pachter Get
Sloan Fellowships
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has named 117 scientists and
scholars as recipients of its Sloan Research Fellowships
for 2003, and two of them work at Berkeley Lab. Steven
E. Brenner of the Physical Biosciences Division and
Lior Pachter of the Life Science Division were
honored with $40,000 grants in molecular biology. The
fellowships are awarded annually to recognize and support
young scientists and scholars in seven fields: chemistry,
computational and evolutionary molecular biology, computer
science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, and physics.

More Hearings
On Los Alamos Issues
Following last week's congressional hearing in Washington
on financial management issues at Los Alamos National Laboratory,
two more sessions have now been scheduled: a legislative hearing
in Sacramento next Tuesday, March 11, and another congressional
hearing in Washington next Wednesday, March 12. Latest University
of California materials about Los Alamos can be found here.