Berkeley Lamps
Will Be Replaced
manufacturer of the innovative Berkeley Lamp,
developed at Berkeley Lab, has acknowledged a
production flaw in the first-generation lights
and has offered to replace them at no charge.
Lamp inventor Michael Siminovitch of Environmental
Energy Technologies said that Light Corporation
has replaced an unreliable ballast with a better
unit that should resolve problems with the energy-efficient
device. Lab employees who have faulty lamps should
call the Work Request Center at 6274 or go here
to request a new Berkeley Lamp. Light Corporations
letter about re-introducing the lamp can be read
here. |
Remains Out
Of Creek Controversy
Martin Snapp
of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's plan to cover
a small dry creek in Strawberry Canyon with 2,000 truckloads
of dirt from a nearby hillside were disappointed when
the City Council declined to take a strong stand against
the project. Full
story. |
Offers New Lab Design
shaft at Homestake mine |
group that proposed creating a National Underground
Science and Engineering Laboratory at a closed South
Dakota gold mine has completed a detailed engineering
plan for the conversion, replacing the initial proposal
sent to the National Science Foundation two years ago.
Nuclear Scientist Kevin Lesko of Berkeley Lab,
a partner in the project, said the design book's engineering
detail should facilitate the NSF approval process for
possible funding in FY06. Full
story. The project book can be found on the collaboration
web site here. |
at the SNS front-end building with SNS Deputy Project
Director Carl Strawbridge (left) and Office of Science's
Jim Decker. |
Officials Visit ORNL
To View SNS Progress
Director Charles Shank joined DOE Secretary Abraham
and other dignitaries, including Senator Lamar Alexander
(R-TN) at Oak Ridge National Lab Friday to hear first
hand about the progress of the Spallation Neutron Source
(SNS) construction. The previous day the Senate Appropriations
Committee passed the FY 2004 Energy and Water Appropriations
Bill, providing critical funding for the SNS. "I
am pleased the Appropriations Committee is fully funding
the Spallation Neutron Source," Senator Alexander
said. "It will be the premier neutron science facility
in the world." As a member of the SNS team, Berkeley
Lab designed and built the front-end systems of the
SNS. The officials were gathered to take part in a groundbreaking
ceremony for the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences
(CNMS) at ORNL, a facility dedicated to the study of
nanoscale research. The facility will be built adjacent
to the SNS, providing researchers ready access to the
world's most powerful neutron source for samples analysis
and characterization. Full
story. |
to the Ball Game:
As-Mariners Sept. 19
Employee Activities Association is sponsoring its last
baseball game of the year with the Oakland A's against
the Seattle Mariners on Friday, September 19 at 7:15
p.m. Tickets will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays
at the cafeteria entrance during the lunch hour. Ticket
price is $7 for a regular $24 seat -- Field Level, section
129 and 130. |